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Knox Hills receives high marks on annual tenant satisfaction survey

By Savannah BairdDecember 19, 2024

Construction is underway at a Prichard Place home at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Nov. 1, 2024. The Prichard Place neighborhood is part of a Knox Hills 2024-2025 renovation project aimed at accommodating needs voiced by past and present tenants. Areas...
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Construction is underway at a Prichard Place home at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Nov. 1, 2024. The Prichard Place neighborhood is part of a Knox Hills 2024-2025 renovation project aimed at accommodating needs voiced by past and present tenants. Areas marked with white wrapping represent the newly added extensions. (Photo Credit: Savannah Baird, Fort Knox News) VIEW ORIGINAL
Knox Hills’ leasing office, located next to the Fort Knox Army Substance Abuse Program at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Dec. 19, 2024.
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Knox Hills’ leasing office, located next to the Fort Knox Army Substance Abuse Program at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Dec. 19, 2024. (Photo Credit: Savannah Baird; Fort Knox News) VIEW ORIGINAL
The new equipment added to Anderson Greens has been designed and chosen to meet the needs of children who have sensory issues while promoting a play area for all the children in the community.
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – The new equipment added to Anderson Greens has been designed and chosen to meet the needs of children who have sensory issues while promoting a play area for all the children in the community. (Photo Credit: Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT KNOX, Ky. — The Army’s Residential Communities Initiative Army Housing Tenant Satisfaction Survey results are in, and Knox Hills residents had good things to say.

With an increase in satisfaction across the board Knox Hills received high marks in three major areas, according to Knox Hills project director Katie Huff.

“I’m incredibly proud of our team and their dedication to caring for service members, Families, and all residents here at Knox Hills,” she said. “This year, we saw notable improvements across key survey metrics.”

  • Overall Satisfaction: 83.2 (+1.8 from FY23)
  • Service Satisfaction: 85.9 (+2.5 from FY23)
  • Property Satisfaction: 79.2 (+1.2 from FY23)

Huff said Knox Hills focused its efforts based on last year’s survey results, which indicated residents desired investment in community development initiatives such as home renovations, repaved roads and upgraded appliances. They also wanted to ensure their maintenance concerns were addressed promptly and professionally.

Additionally, the results earned Knox Hills a Crystal Service Award for its excellent level of service to tenants. Only 10 Crystal Service Awards are given out annually.

“Listening to our residents and acting on their feedback remains a top priority,” said Huff. “Our commitment to provide comfortable, safe, and stable housing for our residents and their Families remains steadfast.”

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