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Regimental Pride: 4-9IN Battalion Commemorates 169 Years of the 9th Infantry Regiment

By 1st Lt. Taylor GrahamMarch 13, 2024

Regimental Pride: 4-9IN Battalion Commemorates 169 Years of the 9th Infantry Regiment
Gen. (R) Brooks, Lt. Col. Walsh, and Command Sgt. Maj. Evborokhai inducted SMA (R) Dailey as a Distinguished Member of the 9th Infantry Regiment. (Photo Credit: 1st Lt. Taylor Graham) VIEW ORIGINAL

Fort Carson, Colo— In honor of the 169th birthday of the 9th Infantry Regiment on March 3rd, the Regiment’s 4th Battalion (4-9IN)—the sole battalion left of the 9th Infantry, gathered to celebrate the unit’s rich history and recent accomplishments at their Regimental Birthday Ball in Colorado Springs on March 1st, 2024.

“I have a responsibility as the Custodian of the Regiment to not just carry on the lineage and honors of 4th Battalion,” said Lt. Col. Liam Walsh, Commander of 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, “but also to the entire Regiment. You don’t just see the National Colors and Battalion Colors at this event—the Regimental Colors are part of our Color Guard and ceremony as well. As our motto in the 9th says, we have to ‘Keep Up the Fire’ for those before us. We are honored to uphold that tradition.”

In attendance were two very distinguished former members of the 9th Infantry Regiment—the Honorary Colonel of the Regiment, General (Retired) Vincent K. Brooks, and the 15th Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA) and former 4th Infantry Division Command Sergeant Major, SMA (R) Daniel Dailey. This milestone event not only celebrated the Regiment's longstanding history but also highlighted the 4-9IN Battalion's commitment to upholding the standards of excellence set by the 9th Infantry Regiment since 1855.

SMA(R) Dailey's visit allowed him to witness how his legacy has impacted 4-9IN and the future of the Army.

“When we started to talk about having a ball this past fall, one of the big questions that came up was ‘who should we have as a guest speaker?” said Lt. Col. Liam Walsh. “After speaking with GEN(R) Brooks, who was our guest speaker at the unit’s last ball in 2022, and learning that SMA(Ret) Dailey was a former Manchu, it became a no-brainer that we’d want him to be our guest speaker. We were fortunate to be able to accommodate his schedule and have him come talk to our Soldiers about what it means to be a Manchu, but also what it means to be an Ivy Soldier.”

SMA(R) Dailey remains to be a prominent role model among current Soldiers. His connection through serving as a Manchu and 4th Infantry Division Sergeant Major will always be an everlasting memory and a display of pride.

“When you need to go get a bad guy in the middle of the night you send the Hollywood units. But, when you need someone to take a country and hold it for 30 days, you send the 4th Infantry Division,” said SMA (R) Dailey.

At the conclusion of the night’s festivities, Gen. (R) Brooks, Lt. Col. Walsh, and Command Sgt. Maj. Evborokhai inducted SMA (R) Dailey as a Distinguished Member of the 9th Infantry Regiment. “Our history as Manchus is very important to who we are. We’re the unit of the Manchu Mile. We’re the unit with the belt buckles. It is only fitting that SMA (R) Dailey, who gave so much back to our Army over his 30-year career, be recognized as a DMOR,” said Lt. Col. Walsh.

Manchu, Keep up the Fire!