NETCOM & Fort Huachuca Celebrate 4th of July in Sierra Vista

By Enrique Tamez Vasquez, NETCOM Public AffairsJuly 6, 2022

Salute the Colors
Network Enterprise Technology Command’s (NETCOM)’s Commanding General Maj. Gen. Chris Eubank (left) renders a salute to the colors during the City of Sierra Vista's 2022, 4th of July, Independence Day celebration. (Photo Credit: Enrique Vasquez) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT HUACHUCA, Ariz.,--On the 4th of July, 2022, the City of Sierra Vista held its annual Independence Day celebration at Veterans Memorial Park. Invited to be this year’s guest speaker was Maj. Gen. Chris Eubank, Commanding General for the Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM).

General Eubank addressed local government and military representatives along with a crowd of more than 300 spectators during his opening remarks.

Honors to the Colors
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Members of Fort Huachuca’s Color Guard opened this year’s ceremony by presenting the colors. (Photo Credit: Enrique Vasquez) VIEW ORIGINAL
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Attending this year’s Sierra Vista's 4th of July celebration were local government and military representatives along with a crowd of several hundred attendees. The Independence Day event was sponsored by the Sierra Vista Rotary Club in conjunction with the Fort Huachuca and Sierra Vista, communities. (Photo Credit: Enrique Vasquez) VIEW ORIGINAL

In addition, members of Fort Huachuca’s Color Guard opened this year’s ceremony by presenting the colors, followed by the 4th Cavalry, B Troop, who delivered the 4th of July proclamation to the Mayor of Sierra Vista, Mayor Rick Mueller.

1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A mounted member (left) of Fort Huachuca's 4th Cavalry B Troop delivers the 4th of July proclamation to the Mayor of Sierra Vista, Mayor Rick Mueller (right). (Photo Credit: Enrique Vasquez) VIEW ORIGINAL
B Troop Stands Ready
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Fort Huachuca's 4th Cavalry, B Troop stands ready to deliver the 4th of July proclamation to the Mayor of Sierra Vista, Mayor Rick Mueller. (Photo Credit: Enrique Vasquez) VIEW ORIGINAL

In his remarks, General Eubank, reminded everyone on the importance of celebrating American Independence and what it costs to sustain our freedom.

“We have a responsibility to make our communities better places to live and work, and volunteer and give back to our communities,” said Eubank.

Maj. Gen. Eubank
During the City of Sierra Vista's 4th of July celebration held at Veterans Memorial Park, the Network Enterprise Technology Command’s (NETCOM)’s Commanding General Maj. Gen. Chris Eubank addressed local government and military representatives along with a crowd of more than 300 attendees. (Photo Credit: Enrique Vasquez) VIEW ORIGINAL

“This is part of what it means to be an American, and it’s why we celebrate Independence Day.”

“Freedom, as the saying goes, isn’t free. It costs money, it costs lives, and it costs time. The United States – our great nation – did not become what we are in one day, one month or one year. It took more than two centuries of effort and hard work to get to where we are today,” said Eubank.

1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – The 2022 City of Sierra Vista 4th of July ceremony concluded with the Fort Huachuca Select Honor Guard firing a 50 round cannonade honoring every state of the union. (Photo Credit: Enrique Vasquez) VIEW ORIGINAL
Sierra Vista 4th of July
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – On the 4th of July 2022, the City of Sierra Vista held its Independence Day celebration at Veterans Memorial Park. The Independence Day event was sponsored by the Sierra Vista Rotary Club in conjunction with the Fort Huachuca and Sierra Vista, communities. (Photo Credit: Enrique Vasquez) VIEW ORIGINAL

The ceremony concluded with the Fort Huachuca Select Honor Guard firing a 50 round cannonade honoring every state of the union, along with a military dual sortie jet-aircraft fly-over. The Independence Day event was sponsored by the Sierra Vista Rotary Club, in conjunction with the Fort Huachuca and Sierra Vista communities.