The Ocean Cargo Clearance Authority team was named the SDDC Team of the Year and seven team members were recognized individually for a combined total of 195 years of federal service during a ceremony at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va. April 8.
The team members named in the 32 MG Charles W. Fletcher, Jr. Award for Team Performance of the Year - Medium (10 -19 members) are Faye Banks, Vickie Brown, Carmen Cotto, Erik Fagerheim, Holly Grasz, Kimberly Green, Dwight Guyette, Joan Hambrecht, Carrie Johnson, Wanda Jones, Kathleen Keller, Bill Letchford, Tonia Montgomery, Andrina Spears and Wilbert Torres-Sierra.
The following individuals received length-of-service awards: Faye Banks (35 years of service); Joan Hambrecht, Carmen Cotto, Wanda Jones (30 years of service); Tonia Montgomery, Bill Letchford (25 years of service) and Vickie Brown (20 years of service.)
The Ocean Cargo Clearance Authorities (OCCA) team performs a mission-critical function of ensuring equipment arrives at the right place on time. Their customers include the largest DOD agencies on the planet, such as the Defense Commissary Agency and the Army's brigade combat teams which routinely call to place orders to transport their arsenals of tanks, planes and helicopters.
The Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command Global Deployment and Distribution Excellence Awards winners included 36 award categories and is intended to recognize deserving individuals and teams within the command for their outstanding contributions to the success of SDDC’s global deployment and distribution mission during the calendar year.
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