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Army releases Digital Transformation Strategy

By U.S. Army Public AffairsOctober 20, 2021

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Army announced today the release of its Army Digital Transformation Strategy, which will help the Army to create conditions for a digital Army that can deliver overmatch through joint multi-domain operations by using innovative and transformative technologies.

The Army Chief Information Officer, Dr. Raj Iyer, established the ADTS to lead the Army through changes in technology, processes and overall culture, in response to the rapid evolution of digital and modernization programs.

“Going digital is a mindset, it’s culture change,” Iyer said. “It’s about how we can fundamentally change how we operate as an Army through transformative digital technologies, empowering our workforce, and re-engineering our rigid institutional processes to be more agile.”

The ADTS establishes the vision for how a digital transformation can help achieve Waypoint 2028, the Army's construct for victory in Multi-Domain Operations. The strategy includes clear lines of effort tied to three objectives, identifies priorities for the Army to resource, and outlines an integrated master plan to synchronize and better integrate all ongoing activities to achieve the digital-age Army.

To read the Army Digital Transformation Strategy, click here - Army Digital Transformation Strategy [PDF - 4.2 MB]

To read an article about the ADTS, click here.