This quarter, we are very excited to announce the publication of Building Cohesive Teams, including a foreword by Sergeant Major of the Army Grinston. In 2015, CALL published the Leader’s Guide to Teambuilding, which is still a useful and relevant resource for building teams from individuals who do not have a habitual working relationship. This handbook, in contrast, incorporates the tenets of the “This is My Squad” initiative and features input from leaders and squad members across the Army. The lead author for this publication and CALL’s Brigade Combat Team Branch Chief, Ron Pruyt, wants to seize on the interest we’ve seen in this book by soliciting your input for future features and articles. We want you send us your best teambuilding stories! What techniques or activities did you or your leaders implement that resonated with you and your team? Let’s keep this conversation going and share those techniques, events, or anecdotes that helped you feel a part of your “squad.” There is often so much negativity surrounding us, let’s focus on the positive and help each other with these teambuilding lessons and best practices. Please send your input to usarmy.leavenworth. and put #Teambuilding in the subject line. We look forward to hearing from you!
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