Easter Bunny 'honks' through Fort Hood during parade

By Stephanie Salmon, Fort Hood Public AffairsApril 5, 2021

Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny waves at residents of Kouma Village at Fort Hood, Texas, March 30. Fort Hood Family Housing hosted their 2nd annual Easter Bunny Honk Parade through post housing areas March 30-April 1. (Photo Credit: Stephanie Salmon, Fort Hood Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT HOOD, Texas - With the pandemic still in full affect, finding ways for kids to celebrate Easter with the Easter Bunny has been a challenge. Fort Hood Family Housing here, however, has found a unique way to take the Easter Bunny through its housing community without risking the safety of the residents.

For the 2nd year in a row, FHFH, a Lendlease privatized military community, hosted the Easter Bunny Honk Parade from March 30 through April 1, a procession of vehicles that included emergency services, the Fort Hood Military Jeepers Club, members from the FHFH Resident Advisory board, and others who volunteered their time and effort to bring some joy to the Fort Hood Community.

“Last year at the onset of COVID-19, our team rose to the challenge to find a fun and unique way to bring the Easter Bunny to our residents during a time where they would not be able to visit the Easter Bunny themselves,” Staci Burton, marketing director of LendLease for FHFH, said.

“Our Easter Bunny Honk Parade was such a success last year and brought so much joy to our families, so we decided to do it again,” Burton continued.

Burton explained that the Easter Bunny Honk Parade also included various organizations and local community groups volunteering their time to partner with FHFH that enjoy being a part of the Fort Hood community on a regular basis.

“For our partners, participating in the parade provides an opportunity for them to engage in the Fort Hood community and spread awareness about the many services they provide to military families.” Burton remarked.

With the lead vehicle hosting the Easter Bunny himself, the parade was split into three different afternoons in order to cover the numerous housing areas on post.

On Tuesday, the parade went through the communities of Kouma, Montague, Venable village and Pershing Park. Wednesday’s parade path took the event through Comanche I, Comanche II and Comanche III.

Last year, FHFH was surprised when they were approached by the members of the Fort Hood Military Jeepers, many of whom are residents themselves on Fort Hood, and requested to be a part of the parade.

“As part of our community, we are delighted to have them join us this year and our residents have enjoyed seeing them ride through the neighborhoods,” Burton said.

“Our Fort Hood Military Jeepers is comprised of former and active military,” Jared Miller, chapter president of the Fort Hood Military Jeepers, said. “Our Jeepers all still live by those core military values instilled in them. We love to give back to our community in any way we can. We were asked to come back by Fort Hood Family Housing after the help we provided with the Christmas Parade. There is nothing more satisfying as a Soldier, father or the club president than seeing the smiles on these families faces when we drive by.”

Residents of Kouma Village at Fort Hood, Texas, wave as jeeps and emergency service vehicles pass through their neighborhood, March 30, during the 2nd annual Easter Bunny Honk Parade. (Photo Credit: Stephanie Salmon, Fort Hood Public Affairs) VIEW ORIGINAL

“Our team is continually finding new and unique ways to connect with our residents,” Burton said. “The past year has been challenging for all of us, and with our regular virtual or low-contact events, we aim to provide our families with light-hearted, fun activities to relieve stress and spend quality time with their neighbors and loved ones.

“Furthermore," she added, " events such as this also helps us continue in our commitment of providing communities where our military families can live, work and thrive.”