FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. – The Fort Campbell Warrior Transition Battalion was formally reflagged as the Fort Campbell Soldier Recovery Unit during a ceremony on post, July 10.
The SRU, is part of the U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) Army Recovery Care Program, which oversees the evaluation and treatment of wounded, ill and injured Soldiers requiring six months or more of rehabilitative care and complex medical-case management.
“We transitioned from the WTB to the Soldier Recovery Unit, so the name changes but the mission remains the same and our command team remains the same,” said Brig. Gen. Clair Gill, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) deputy commanding general for support. “Lt. Col. Holt and Command Sergeant Major Rivera are going to continue to lead this organization through taking care of our Soldiers, making sure that they get the services they need.”
The Fort Campbell SRU is one of 14 units Army-wide co-located with military medical treatment facilities to provide specialized support for wounded, ill and injured Soldiers. The name change reflects the restructuring of the program to update policy and procedures, simplify entry criteria, streamline processes and focus resources to foster an environment at the unit level that will serve individual Soldier’s unique needs.
“The mission remains the same, which is to take the absolute best care that we can provide for the world’s most deserving Soldiers,” said Blanchfield Army Community Hospital commander Col. Patrick T. Birchfield. “They have sacrificed. They have raised their right hand and volunteered to serve their country and we owe them the very best medical care that we can provide.”
The hospital provides or coordinates for the medical treatment of wounded, ill and injured Soldiers assigned to the Fort Campbell SRU. The SRU cadre is composed of Soldiers and civilians dedicated to supporting wounded, ill and injured Soldiers through the process of medical care, rehabilitation, professional development and achievement of personal goals. A squad leader, platoon sergeant, and nurse case manager serve as the front line leaders caring for wounded, ill and injured Soldiers during their recovery and reintegration at the SRU.
The SRU has a team of social workers, occupational therapists, physical therapists, transition coordinators and chaplains assigned to the unit who are specially trained to support each wounded, ill or injured Solder’s individual recovery plan.
SRU commander, Lt. Col. Heath Holt said he and his team provide mission command, medical management assistance and transition assistance to wounded, ill and injured Soldiers assigned to the SRU on Fort Campbell as they navigate the Army’s medical treatment system to successfully reintegrate back into the force or transition from the Army.
“We fall under the hospital as a subordinate unit so I as a commander have got direct access to the hospital commander or any of the deputy commanders or department chiefs so that I can personally advocate and we can make sure that our Soldiers are getting the timely and proper care that they need,” said Holt. “We have a lot of resources in house with folks on staff. We have our own occupational therapist and our own physical therapist here.”
The SRU is designed to allow wounded, ill and injured Soldiers to focus solely on their health and recovery.
“Certainly if we can transition them back to the Army, if we can get them fit for the fight again, we’re going to bring them back into our formation,” said Gill. “If their injures and conditions are such that we need to transition them back to the civilian life, we’re going to set the conditions so they can do that and be productive members of society and represent our Army when they go off in their next transition in life.”
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