Advanced planning is key to a successful PCS move this summer during a COVID-19 environment. Here are five handy tips to help you and your Family achieve a more seamless move when the time comes:
1. Review the Army PCS informational videos: Planning Your Move, Pickup of HHG, Receiving Goods, and PCS Claims.
2. Download the free and very helpful “Army PCS Move” app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
3. Upon receipt of orders, immediately create an account or log into the Defense Personal Property System, upload orders, complete all shipment applications, and contact your local transportation office. Don’t delay contacting the office to begin scheduling your household goods move; this is especially important during the summer peak season. For privately owned vehicle shipment and storage, visit PCSmyPOV or call International Auto Logistics toll-free, 1-855-389-9499.
4. View customer satisfaction scores for moving companies in the Defense Personal Property System.
5. After household goods are delivered, complete the customer satisfaction survey. For lost or damaged items, a claim must be filed in the Defense Personal Property System. To resolve moving concerns, contact your transportation office or call the USTRANSCOM 24-hour hotline, 1-833-645-6683 or 1-833-MIL-MOVE.
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