Asian-Pacific Soldier Following in Father's Footsteps

By Pfc. Crystal M. Bradley, 2nd BCT, 3rd ID, Public AffairsMay 14, 2009

FORT STEWART, Ga. - Many little boys spend a great deal of their time dreaming to one day be just like their fathers.

One sergeant at Fort Stewart no longer dreams of following in his dad's footsteps. He walks in them everyday.

From living the life of a "Dog-Face Soldier," to enjoying his Army career as a Guamanian-American Soldier, Sgt. Danny Babauta, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, carries on the legacy of his father and other Asian-Pacific Soldiers.

Sergeant Babauta, born at Fort Lewis, Wash., said his dad definitely influenced him to join the Army, but his undying love for America and the Pacific island of Guam gave him the final boost he needed to enlist.

"I was born in the U.S. but spent the majority of my life living in Guam after my dad retired," he said. "I came to the states in July 2007 because I wanted my Family to experience the states as I had."

As an Asian-Pacific Soldier, Sgt. Babauta said he has found ways to use his ethnicity to not only heighten his career but also to help Soldiers around him.

"I always have Soldiers saying 'Oh, sergeant, you bring so much motivation to our platoon!' I try to bring happiness to Soldiers I work around every day; you know, make sure everyone is smiling," he said. "That's how it was when I was growing up back in Guam.Everyone always kept each other's spirits up."

According to Sgt. Babauta, having a strong work ethic and taking pride in what he does comes directly as a result of his heritage and rearing.

"I take a lot of pride in being a Soldier," he said. "I try to do everything by the book, leaving little room for error, and it really shows. Because of this, the Soldiers to my left and right seem to have lots of respect for me. I try to be a constant role model for them."

Sergeant Babauta said that being different is a good thing, regardless whether you are Asian-Pacific, African-American, Hispanic or any other nationality. Soldiers get to learn new things and profit from the unique traits that each group of people bring to the table.

"It's a great thing for everyone to get to experience different ethnicities," he said. "It makes everyone more culturally aware. You get a chance to not only become a better Soldier but also a better person, in general."

The sergeant said that at the end of the day, the most important factor is that one always remembers where they come from.

"Being proud of where you are from is always a great thing," said Sgt. Babauta. "Whether you are from a small town in the United States or a small village in Guam, being proud of your home can take you a long way in life."