JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, WASH. -- The 593rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command welcomed a new commander to the Rest Assured team June, 14. Brig. Gen. John "Jack" Haley relinquished command of the 593rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command to Col. James Moore during a change of command ceremony.
Lt. Gen. Gary Volesky, Commanding General First Corps, officiated the ceremony, which took place at Watkins Field, Joint Base Lewis-McChord.
"James, welcome back to JBLM and congratulations on taking command of the 593rd, our Army got it right sending you to take the reins of the 593rd and I look forward to serving with you and seeing you to continue to build upon the outstanding reputation of this command," said First Corps Commander Lt. Gen. Gary Volesky who presided over the ceremony.
As the 593rd ESC Commander, Moore is responsible for all sustainment operations for First Corps throughout its area of operations across the Pacific. The unit supports dozens of exercises and partner nation training events in the U.S. and across the Pacific every year. It has provided sustainment support around the world and has deployed numerous times, from multiple deployments to Vietnam, to Desert Storm and Operation Restore Hope in Somalia to recent deployments supporting the War on Terror in Iraq in 2004, 2006 and 2010 and in Afghanistan in 2012.
Moore, a native of Philadelphia, Pa., has served in the Army for nearly 29 years and was a Distinguished Military Graduate of the Virginia State University Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Program, receiving his commission in 1989.
Moore has had several logistics staff assignments to include as Chief Operations and Plans U.S. Army Materiel Command, Huntsville, Ala., North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, and Headquarters Department of the Army G4 Staff. His command assignments include Commander 404th Army Field Support Brigade, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash. and Commander 1st Battalion, 402nd Army Field Support Brigade, Balad, Iraq.
Before taking command of the 593rd ESC he was as the Executive Officer to the Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC).
"General Haley, you have led this command through some challenging times in its history, all while taking care of America's most precious asset, our Soldiers," Col. Moore said. "I'm honored to follow and build on your legacy and maintain the momentum you've established."
Haley, who was born in Rochester, N.Y, and calls Vienna, Va. home, commanded the 593rd since June 2015, while simultaneously serving as the First Corps Deputy Commanding General for Sustainment.
"Where one command may execute one or two major exercises in a Commander's tenure, the Soldiers of the 593d ESC have executed nine, more than one a quarter while I've been here," said Haley. "With this training and our operational deployments in support of every Combatant Command in the Department of Defense, I can truly say that this is the most trained, the most ready and the best ESC in the Army, we truly put the expeditionary in ESC."
"The Army doesn't operate or succeed on its own. It takes teamwork. It requires individuals, united by a common goal, to successfully accomplish the mission," said Lt. Gen. Volesky. "Over the past two years, Jack Haley has magnificently led this organization, and built a team that is ready now to deploy, fight, and win anywhere in the world."
Haley retires later this summer.
"To the men and women of the 593rd, this is a change of command ceremony, however it is not a change in direction, we will maintain our emphasis and focus on building and sustaining readiness, training our force, marksmanship, mission command, Soldier fitness and taking care of our Soldiers and their families," Moore added before closing his remarks.
Moore's awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit with oak leaf cluster, Bronze Star Medal with oak leaf cluster, Defense Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf cluster, Meritorious Service Medal with five oak leaf clusters, a Joint Services Commendation Medal, an Army Commendation Medal, a Joint Services Achievement Medal, an Army Achievement Medal, the National Defense Service Medal with oak leaf cluster, the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, the Iraqi Campaign Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary and Service Medals, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon, the Army Staff Identification Badge, the Army Presidential Unit Citation, the Joint Meritorious Unit, the Army Meritorious Unit Commendation, and the Army Superior Unit Award with oak leaf cluster. Colonel Moore has been awarded the Honorable Order of Saint Martin, the Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe, is a Distinguished Member of the US Army Quartermaster Regiment and Demonstrated Master Logistician.
The 593rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command provides deployable mission command to support joint forces, coalition forces and civil authorities; supports sustainment, theater opening, and joint reception, staging, onward movement and integration (JRSOI) to enable freedom of action in the Pacific Command Area of Operations; and provides trained and ready forces from JBLM in support of Unified Land Operations.
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