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Fire Support Command and Control

By U.S. ArmyJune 29, 2018

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Fire Support Command and Control empowers commanders to plan and execute the delivery of lethal and non-lethal fires by providing capabilities to visualize fires, situational awareness and increase collaboration among fires staff.

FSC2 provides the U.S. Army, Joint and coalition commanders with the capability to plan, execute and deliver both lethal and non-lethal fires. Many FSC2 capabilities are transitioning to web-based applications that can be accessed via a secure internet as part of the Army's Command Post Computing Environment. CP CE is consolidating and simplifying the separate capabilities commanders use for missions related to all warfighting functions and will provide the commander with a consolidated readiness picture on a singular workstation, lessen the logistics trail for the Soldier, reduce the training burden and save taxpayer dollars.


Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System provides fully automated support for planning, coordinating, controlling and executing fires and effects such as mortars, field artillery cannons, rockets and missiles, close air support, attack aviation and naval surface fire-support systems.

Pocket-Sized Forward Entry Device is used by forward observers and fire support teams to transmit and receive fire support messages over standard military-line-of-sight, high-frequency and satellite communications radios. The replacement system, Precision-Fires Dismounted, enhances this functionality with a revamped user interface and precision fires targeting capabilities. PF-D will operate on the Soldier Radio Waveform Network, which is hosted as an application of the Nett Warrior.

Lightweight Forward Entry Device hosts the Forward Observer System software, which enables mounted forward observers and fire-support officers to plan, control and execute fire-support operations at maneuver platoon, company, and battalion and brigade levels.

CENTAUR is the lightweight technical fire direction system that provides an automated cannon ballistic firing solution to the Fire Direction Centers. Its primary function is a secondary technical calculation check for AFATDS or manual calculations.

Gun Display Unit-Replacement digitally receives firing commands from the FDC, which are then forwarded down to the crews of non-digitized Howitzers. The system will be divested in FY18.

The Profiler weather system improves artillery accuracy by providing Meteorological data, which is one of five requirements for accurate predicted fires. Profiler provides MET information to field artillery assets via AFATDS. Weather information is received via the Weather Data download site or the Global Broadcast Satellite, and computations provide correction information along the projectile trajectory and within the target area.

Joint Automated Deep Operations Coordination System is a joint mission management software applications that provide a suite of tools and interfaces for integration across battlespace functional areas focusing on the Joint Target Cycle. JADOCS provides timely, accurate, detailed battlespace view for target nomination and vetting, target execution and coordination, air operations information, intelligence operations information, battle damage assessment and campaign plan.

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