Leaders Book Notes - The National Museum of the U.S. Army

By SMA Kenneth PrestonSeptember 11, 2008

In this edition of my leader book notes I ask for your support to the National Museum of the U.S Army. The museum is a tribute to the service and sacrifice of our Soldiers since 1775. It is a national landmark for the Army's history and heritage.

No history of our Nation is complete without telling the incredible story of the Army and the American Soldier. Our Country's heritage is one of freedom, an inalienable right that was not given to our people, but won with great effort. Nor is our freedom for the future a guarantee, hence the Army's fight for freedom must be told to the American people and passed to future generations. The National Museum of the U.S. Army will tell that story. It serves as an educational experience to engage the American public and as an inspiration to the Soldiers of today. Just as important, the Museum will preserve, study and interpret more than 750,000 artifacts and works of art dating back to the days of the Continental Army to present day. The vast majority of these rare and priceless artifacts have never been seen by the American people.

The National Museum established a Registry of the American Soldier to provide an opportunity for anyone who served in the Army to have his or her name and service history placed on record at the Museum. If you served, you owe it to the American people to show your service in the registry. If you have a family member who served in the Army, living or deceased, you can register their name and service history. The Registry will remain on permanent public display at the Museum and on the internet for those who can not visit in person.

The Army will build the Museum and visitors' center, complete with interactive exhibits and other exciting displays at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. The museum's campus will feature a memorial garden, parade ground, a venue for ceremonies, reenactments, lectures and educational programs.

The Museum Foundation currently has financial support from over 60,000 individuals, corporations and foundations. They have received supporting resolutions from the VFW, American Legion and the Association of the U.S. Army.

I am asking your support to encourage your Soldiers to register their profile with the museum. Your support is essential to the success of this valuable Museum project. I have attached a copy of an example profile currently featured with the Museum. Visit the Museum's web site at http://www.armyhistory.org/ to register.

We owe it to the American people to tell the Army and Soldiers' story. Thanks for all that you do for our Soldiers and for America's Army. Army Strong!