JFHQ-NCR/MDW Employee Spotlight - Spc. Will Marshall

By Mr. Cory Hancock (JFHQNCRMDW)November 14, 2013

JFHQ-NCR/MDW Employee Spotlight - Spc. Will Marshall
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Name: Spc. Will Marshall

Years of Federal Service: 3

Activities/Hobbies: Exercise, continuing education, travel, church

Where do you work? Command Group Driver

Describe your job. My job is to provide efficient, safe, and reliable transportation directly to, and in support of, the MDW Command Group.

What do you like best about your job? I enjoy supporting the fast paced, high-profile mission that MDW sustains daily. There is never a dull day.

What is your most memorable experience during your time here at MDW? The JFHQ-NCR/MDW Organizational Day and the supporting fundraisers are very memorable experiences. These events go far to promote esprit-de-corps throughout the unit.

You were a former Tomb Sentinel, what was that experience like? Being a Sentinel is arguably the most honored position of service afforded to the U.S. Military. The experience is of the highest caliber and one I will never forget.

Why did you decide to be a Tomb Sentinel? I was attracted by the diligence, the standard of perfection, and the impact I could have on those who visit the Tomb; whether they come to silently bear witness or come to mourn their loss. In reality, it is not your decision to become a Sentinel. With a trainee attrition rate exceeding 90 percent, you do not get to choose --the Tomb chooses you.

Are there any skills that you learned as a Tomb Sentinel that help you with your current position?

Yes. The attention to detail, application of values, and dedication to duty taught at the Tomb translate well to this and any work environment.

Would you recommend working here to other federal employees? I would highly recommend an MDW assignment to any interested parties. The motivation, team spirit, and no-fail attitude at MDW produce a work climate that is as equally rewarding to its personnel as it is to the people we serve.

Related Links:

U.S. Army Military District of Washington

Employee Spotlight

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