Gladiators train to handout enemy beatdowns

By Pfc. Aaron Braddy, 1st HBCT PAOJune 18, 2008

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Soldiers from Headquarters, Headquarters Company, 1st Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 1st Heavy Brigade Combat Team trained on weapons and Combatives during "Gladiators Weapons Week" June 2- 5 at Rodriguez Live Fire Complex.

The goal of the training was to familiarize Soldiers with individual and crew served weapons, as well as to train Soldiers on using themselves as a weapon to overtake the enemy through hand-to-hand Combatives.

"This is our third day, and so far it's been wonderful. We do a lot of training and we also get to enjoy one another while being Soldiers," said Pvt. Regeneld Mentor, HHC.

The Gladiators shot the .50 caliber and MK19 crew-served weapons during the first two days of training.

"As a Headquarters and Headquarters Company it is challenging to execute split base operations and this was the first time we deployed as a Company to a training location off the (Casey) enclave," said Capt. Antoinette Turner, HHC commander.

During the third day, Soldiers did one-on-one rolling sessions, which incorporated drills one through three of Level 1 Combatives. These Soldiers will move on to qualify for Level 1 Combatives certificates with a few more days of training.

"Overall I would say that this training exercise was a success," said Turner. "And there was a sense of enjoyment, accomplishment and fulfillment that could be seen on every Gladiator's face."