Office of the Provost Marshal General


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  • The Provost Marshal General (PMG) is the principal military advisor to the Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff of the Army on policing matters and the principal Army staff officer for the development and execution of the Army policing functions. As the Army's senior military police officer, the PMG provides leadership and direction to the Military Police Corps. The Director of the Defense Forensics and Biometrics Agency directly reports to the PMG.

    The PMG also serves as the Commanding General of Army Corrections Command. Additionally, the PMG serves as the functional chief for Army Civilian Career Program 19—Security and Law Enforcement.

  • The Office of the Provost Marshal General (OPMG) is responsible for the policy, plans, programs, oversight and budget for the Army’s policing functions – to include law enforcement, criminal intelligence fusion, corrections, biometrics & forensics, physical security, high risk personnel security, antiterrorism, and detention operations – in coordination with Department of Defense and the greater law enforcement community.

    There are 13 divisions of the OPMG.

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

  • Army Corrections Command (ACC) exercises mission command of Army Corrections System facilities and assigned units providing care, custody, control, and rehabilitation of U.S. military prisoners. ACC develops and administers corrections policy, plans, programs, budgets, and resources. ACC provides oversight to facility design, standardization, and modernization. ACC coordinates the disposition of all prisoners to include transfers and designation, mandatory supervised release, clemency and parole, as well as the execution of condemned military prisoners. ACC provides trained internment/resettlement units, leaders, and Soldiers to conduct detainee operations in support of combatant commander requirements worldwide, and executes the Secretary of the Army’s Executive Agent responsibilities for long term corrections and detainee operations.

    (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL


  • Brig. Gen. Sarah Albrycht
    Provost Marshal General
    Brig. Gen. Sarah Albrycht
  • Command Sgt. Maj. Shawn Klosterman
    Provost Sergeant Major
    Command Sgt. Maj. Shawn Klosterman
  • Col. John Curry
    Deputy Provost Marshal General
    Col. John Curry

OPMG Videos

Command Sgt. Maj. Shawn Klosterman, sergeant major of the Office of the Provost Marshal General and command sergeant major of Army Corrections Command, welcomes Brig. Gen. Sarah Albrycht as the 20th Provost Marshal General of the Army (PMG). The two senior Army leaders present their three priorities for the Military Police Corps aligned with the Chief of Staff of the Army focus areas. (U.S. Army video by Army Multimedia and Visual Information Division)

  • The Army Threat Integration Center integrates, analyzes and disseminates all-source threat information for commanders and force protection officials at all levels to enhance Army operational capabilities and provide shared situational awareness, enabling effective risk-based decisions and the protection of Army personnel, assets and information worldwide.

  • [mission]

  • The Defense Forensics and Biometrics Agency (DFBA) leads, consolidates and coordinates forensics and biometrics activities and operations for the DoD in support of identity operations and activities across the range of military operations. DFBA carries out the DoD Executive Agent responsibilities for both forensics and biometrics on behalf of the Secretary of the Army and the Provost Marshal General. DFBA coordinates biometric data-sharing between U.S. government agencies and foreign partner nations, as well as other executive duties. DFBA also operates DoD’s Automated Biometric Identification System (DoD ABIS) in Clarksburg, West Virginia, and provides worldwide biometric technical support.

  • The Knowledge Management division assists senior leaders and support staff by getting the right information, to the right people, in the right format, at the right time, to aide in balancing the art of command with the science of control by enabling the most important leadership task: decision making.

  • The Law Enforcement division directs, develops and monitors implementation of Department of the Army policies pertaining to law enforcement, military working dogs, police intelligence, military police investigations, military police offense reporting, U.S. Army Deserter Information Program, and other provost marshal activities.

  • The Physical Security division promulgates policy through eight Army regulations and one Department of the Army pamphlet. Physical Security provides oversight of Army physical security initiatives, and validates and advocates for resources to secure Army property, installations, activities, Soldiers, Family Members, and Army Civilians. The division also serves as the functional manager for Army Management Decision Package — Physical Security, and as the Functional Chief Representative for Army Career Program 19.

  • The Strategic Initiatives Group coordinates across all of the PMG’s roles and responsibilities when actions involve policing functions under the responsibilities of the PMG, in support of special initiatives and strategic engagements. This group serves as the immediate action agent for short suspense requirements and develops and disseminates the principal’s strategic communications.

  • The Security Management Office provides security guidance, assistance, and a full range of security and protection program services to the PMG. The office works in concert with both internal and external partners to promote: integrity in the security process, accountability for DoD network and information system access, and Army Staff readiness to meet warfighter and America’s national security requirements. Security Managers provide oversight to the Defense Forensics & Biometrics Agency (DFBA) while serving as a liaison to the DFBA-supported agency security elements, as well as to the Pentagon Force Protection Agency, thus supporting 24/7 security during crisis events.

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

[Antiterrorism Division mission statement]


[Antiterrorism Division vision statement]

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Resources & Links

Antiterrorism Articles

Army Antiterrorism Strategic Plan Phase V: "Maneuvering the Phalanx"


iWATCH Army is the Army’s neighborhood watch program. iWATCH Army encourages and empowers the Army community to identify and report suspicious behavior. The program toolkit includes an informational brochure, poster series, a 15-series awareness video library, and new iWATCH Army training for contractors and family members.

iWatch Army brochure

iWatch Public Service Announcement videos

AT Awareness Products

Don't be a Passive Bystander handbook

Antiterrorism Enterprise Portal, a CAC-access online portal, includes the iWatch Army toolkit and other helpful products from the Department of the Army Antiterrorism Division. The series of iWATCH Army videos are available for download here. Please contact your local antiterrorism officer or the HQDA Antiterrorism Division at for more information.


Forensics and biometrics are separate disciplines that, when combined, are powerful tools in support of innovative security initiatives for a continuously transforming industry. The ability to identify individuals using their physical characteristics has game-changing implications for military operations as well as internal functions: access control for bases and computer networks.

"Forensics and biometrics enable a defense in depth equally capable of detecting threats on the battlefield and in our own facilities." – Mr. Glenn D. Krizay, former DFBA Director

The Department of Defense established the Defense Forensics and Biometrics Agency (DFBA) in September 2012 to provide a permanent body that could take advantage of rapidly-evolving technology. Biometrics – after being confined to a series of ad hoc organizations formed in response to the Global War on Terror – found a permanent home alongside forensics within the OPMG. As a component of OPMG, DFBA executes the responsibilities of the Executive Agent for DoD Forensics and Biometrics on behalf of the Secretary of the Army.

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

About DFBA

  • DFBA carries out the DoD Executive Agent responsibilities for both forensics and biometrics on behalf of the Secretary of the Army and the Provost Marshal General.* In this role, DFBA leads, consolidates and coordinates forensics and biometrics throughout the DoD in support of Identity Activities across the range of military operations.

    25,000,000+ Enrollments
    17,000,000+ Unique Identities
    400,000+ Watchlist Hits

    *Ref: DoD Directives 5205.15E and 8521.01E and DAGO 2016-08

  • The ability to identify individuals using biometric technologies and forensic exploitation enables and enhances many different mission areas, including:

    Forensics supports host nation rule of law through the provision of warrant-based targeting and criminal prosecution by providing material evidence linking, or denying linkage of, a person to a hostile act or crime.
    The DoD Automatic Biometric Identification/Information System helps protect U.S. borders through biometrics support to joint, interagency, intelligence, and international partners. DFBA's ability to share biometric information collected abroad enables the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security to identify hostile actors should they arrive on U.S. territory.
    Terrorists, foreign fighters, and insurgents utilize anonymity to shield themselves from U.S. forces. Biometric information collected through screening operations and through forensic exploitation are critical to separating threatening individuals from the general population, identifying potential adversaries at border crossings and other transit points, both abroad and within the United States-while also authenticating credentialed individuals.
    Biometric technology increases the effectiveness of physical and logical access control. Approved individuals can gain access without cards or badges, while unauthorized persons are flagged when they present their biometrics. DFBA supports biometric access control implementation throughout DoD.
  • In a fast-changing world, forensics and biometrics offer an assured means of identifying friend from foe. While the technology may change, individuals' biometrics remain. Adversaries encountered years ago will be denied anonymity for years to come, protecting the border, preventing attacks and enhancing national security.

  • The wide and varied use of forensics and biometrics – from gathering fingerprints left on the battlefield to enrolling individuals seeking base access – enables multiple mission sets and results in increased security through the ability to identify individuals.

    U.S. forces apply forensics and biometrics to a multitude of combat and peacetime missions – from compiling watchlists of known and suspected terrorists to enabling base access for cleared individuals.
    The DoD stands as the United States' first line of defense against nefarious actors and their activities globally. Threat actors, such as known or suspected terrorists, transnational threats, and international criminal organizations, are increasingly determined and adaptive, using advanced technology to avoid U.S. surveillance, reconnaissance systems and precision munitions across many different areas of responsibility. DFBA works to mitigate these challenges by providing proof of identity through military and business mission area biometrics and forensics, sharing information with its interagency and international partners. These capabilities and the information sharing process enable the U.S. to deny anonymity, ensure greater threat deterrence and defeat U.S. adversaries before they even reach the border.

DFBA Leadership

  • Mr. Geoffrey Stewart
    Acting Director
    Mr. Geoffrey Stewart
  • Mr. Peter Baber
    Forensics and Biometrics Senior Advisor
    Mr. Peter Baber

OPMG Links