Record first quarter for foreign military sales

By USASAC Public ReleaseJanuary 18, 2012

Record first quarter for foreign military sales
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

The Security Assistance Command has exceeded its total foreign military sales for fiscal 2011 in the first quarter of the new fiscal year and could finish fiscal 2012 with record sales. USASAC ended fiscal 2011 with FMS sales totaling $13.5 billion; however, first quarter of fiscal 2012 ended with a total sales value of $13.8 billion.

"Several large cases for the United Arab Emirates and PM-SANG (Program Manager-Saudi Arabian National Guard) are driving the numbers," John Neil, chief of USASAC's Performance Management Office, said.

USASAC manages the Army's FMS program, which facilitates the sales of military equipment and services to eligible foreign governments. The command's first quarter total sales value of $13.8 billion was largely attributed to cases with the UAE, Egypt, PM-SANG and Saudi Arabia. The countries' requests included sales for Black Hawk and Apache helicopters, Interceptor missiles and support of the Egyptian M1A1 tank co-production effort. In fact, just five of these large weapon systems cases accounted for nearly $10 billion of the first quarter sales total, according to Tina Benscoter, senior analyst for USASAC's Project Management Office in New Cumberland, Pa.

The upward trend of gains is predicted to continue for the remainder of the current fiscal year, according to Neil.

"We still have a lot of cases in offered status, so we still expect to implement maybe another $6-8 billion on what's in development and what's already been offered," he said.

One of the cases currently in offered status is for Patriot missiles.

"If that case gets implemented I would expect somewhere around $20-plus billion for this year," Neil said.

Previously, USASAC's biggest sales year was fiscal 2009 when it completed $24.2 billion.

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