Workshop Offers Relationship Tools to Single Guardsmen

By SSG Amy Wieser WillsonFebruary 23, 2010

FARGO, N.D. - The North Dakota National Guard's Office of the Chaplain will host a workshop to help single Soldiers and Airmen hone the skills they need for a successful, lifelong relationship.

PICK, or Premarital Interpersonal Choices and Knowledge, will take place from Feb. 26-28 in Fargo. The course is provided by trained facilitators within the North Dakota National Guard and is based on the "How Not to Marry a Jerk (or Jerkette)" series. It focuses on those who are single, dating or in a pre-marriage relationship. Among the five-session program's tenets are the Relationship Attachment Model, which ranks and prioritizes five parts of a healthy relationship, and FACES, an acronym for five areas that are important to learn early-on to determine the relationship's possibilities for the long term.

PICK was added two years ago to complement the full realm of services available to North Dakota Soldiers, Airmen and their families, including a workshop for married couples.

Media are welcome to attend portions of PICK to get a glimpse of this component of military support. Contact Staff Sgt. Nathan Sather, North Dakota National Guard chaplain assistant, to coordinate at 701-527-3241 (cell).

WHAT: North Dakota National Guard P.I.C.K. (Premarital Interpersonal Choices and Knowledge)

WHEN: evening of Friday, Feb. 26 through the morning of Sunday, Feb. 28

WHERE: Fargo, N.D.


Since the 2001 terrorist attacks on America, the North Dakota National Guard has mobilized more than 3,500 Soldiers and more than 1,800 Airmen in support of the Global War on Terrorism. Currently, about 800 North Dakota Guardsmen are serving overseas. With a total force of about 4,400 Soldiers and Airmen, sufficient forces remain in the state for emergency response and homeland defense.