ANMC hosts EOD training

By Mrs. Jennifer Bacchus (AMC)July 16, 2015

ANMC hosts EOD training
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Explosive ordnance disposal responders from Fort Campbell, Ky., trained in conjunction with Anniston Army Depot's Emergency Operations Center and Anniston Munitions Center June 23 and 24.

The training focused on the procedures and equipment which would be utilized in the event of a leak in one of the munitions stored and maintained by ANMC at ANAD.

ANMC personnel simulated a propellant leak in one of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense systems maintained at the installation.

"We enacted our procedures for a leak, which are pretty standard on our end," said Eric Richmond, ammunition inspector for ANMC.

The Fort Campbell EOD then responded in real time to the event, arriving later the same day the incident was reported.

Upon their arrival, the exercise was paused for the night. It resumed the next morning as ANAD fire personnel and ANMC employees escorted the EOD responders to the affected ammunition igloo.

There, the EOD Soldiers donned level A protective equipment, assessed the situation, removed the "leaking" missile from storage and applied a patch.

The exercise participants then simulated transportation of the missile to a detonation site for proper disposal.

"Overall, it was a good operation," said Richmond, adding the ANMC and ANAD employees learned the types of equipment they would need to have available for EOD should an incident arise and the exercise reinforced many processes and procedures already in place.

ANMC Commander Lt. Col. Shayne Moore said this was the first time the Missile Defense Agency, EOD, ANMC and ANAD were able to train together in a large-scale exercise.

"Training is the key component to ensuring our readiness," said Moore. "We have to take advantage of the opportunities when we get the whole team together."