Freedom 6 Sends: Happy Holidays!

By Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell, Jr., U.S. Army EuropeMarch 18, 2014

Hello USAREUR Team,

Ann and I would like to wish the entire United States Army Europe Team a joyous and wonderful holiday season!

This time of year Americans, as well as many of our friends and Allies around the world, reflect on and give thanks for the freedom and prosperity that we all enjoy. You -- the Soldiers, Civilians and Family Members of USAREUR -- contribute to that freedom and prosperity on a daily basis.

This holiday season marks one year in command and I could not be more thankful to serve, what I truly believe to be, the best Team in the Army. As I reflect back on this past year, on all of the communities, units, exercises and events I've had the privilege to visit, I could not be prouder of the accomplishments and professionalism of our force. Thank you for your unwavering service and dedication to our vital mission here in Europe.

As you celebrate the holidays with your families, friends and loved ones, please remember our Teammates deployed around the world; whether it's in the mountains of Afghanistan, the sands of Kuwait, the valleys of Kosovo, or on a cold mountain top in Turkey. May they be in your thoughts and prayers, as they will be in ours.

Although many of us are fortunate enough to have our families here with us to enjoy the holiday season, many in our communities do not. I encourage you all to consider opening your homes to our single Soldiers and those geographically separated from their loved ones during the holidays.

I know that many of you will travel in the next few weeks, whether around Europe or back stateside, I ask that you please be vigilant in looking out for the safety of your family and your fellow Soldiers. I want to see everyone back here to start off a great New Year in USAREUR!

Strong Soldiers, Strong Teams!

-Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell, Jr.

Freedom 6

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