Soldier fined $30,000 for larceny

By JMTC Office of the Staff Judge AdvocateJune 11, 2013

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At a general court-martial convened on Rose Barracks, May 30-31, Spc. Thomas D. Moellering, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Task Force 1st Battalion, 172nd Infantry Brigade, was found guilty, contrary to his pleas, of two specifications of violating Article 120, UCMJ, sexual assault and abusive sexual contact, and one specification of violating Article 134, UCMJ, adultery.

An enlisted panel sentenced Moellering to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to forfeit all pay and allowances, to be confined for 180 days, and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.

At a general court-martial convened on Rose Barracks, May 17, Sgt. 1st Class James Myers Jr., Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Task Force 3-66, 172nd Infantry Brigade, was found guilty, in accordance with his pleas, of one specification of violating Article 81, UCMJ, conspiracy, and one specification of violating Article 121, UCMJ, larceny of government property (BAH).

He was found guilty, contrary to his plea, of one specification of violating Article 107, UCMJ, false official statement. The military judge sentenced Myers to be reduced to the grade of E-5, to forfeit $1,000 pay per month for six months, to be confined for six months, to be fined $20,000, and to be reprimanded.

At a general court-martial convened on Conn Barracks, Schweinfurt, May 13, Sgt. 1st Class Willie C. Rodgers, B Company, 172nd Support Battalion, 172nd Infantry Brigade, was found guilty, in accordance with his pleas, of three specifications of violating Article 132, UCMJ, making a false claim and false oath; one specification of violating Article 121, UCMJ, larceny of government property (BAH); one specification of violating Article 107, UCMJ, false official statement; and one specification of violating Article 92, UCMJ, failure to obey a lawful regulation.

A military judge sentenced Rodgers to be reduced to the grade of E-4, to pay the U.S. government a fine of $30,000, to be confined for six months, and to be discharged from the service with a bad-conduct discharge.

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