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Army Installations

Thursday, August 17, 2017

What is it?

Army installations serve as the foundation for readiness. Installations provide critical infrastructure and services that generate combat power and keep the Army ready. The Army’s Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management ensures readiness by establishing policies, synchronizing programs, and providing resources for installation infrastructure and services to keep the Total Army ready.

What has the Army done?

The Army established measures and metrics, called Facility Readiness Drivers, to inform Army senior leader resourcing and policy decisions. Facility Readiness Drivers link facilities to warfighting readiness and lethality. Indicators include:

  • Mission readiness - provides infrastructure and services to support the missions of assigned units
  • Soldier and Family readiness - provides infrastructure and services that enable Soldier readiness, support Soldier and Family resilience, and allow Soldiers to focus on the mission
  • Installation capacity - assures access to energy, water, land and air to support current and future missions

What continued efforts are planned for the future?

The Army will:

(1) Adapt Army installations to maintain power projection and operational platforms in the era of multi-domain battle. Leveraging public and private partnerships and technology increases installation capability, while closing and realigning installations increases readiness and promotes efficiency. Improved access to energy, water, air and land enhances training and supports Army operations.

(2) Project Army and joint power from Army installations across all domains. Installations provide the critical infrastructure and services that generate combat power and keep the Army ready. Focusing investments on the infrastructure and services needed to project power will ensure future readiness. Capitalizing on innovation and leveraging new technologies drive efficiency and cost savings.

(3) Provide the Army with critical infrastructure and deliver essential services needed to defeat adversaries. Installations provide security, infrastructure, logistics, environmental protection and community services for Soldiers, Civilians and Families across the Total Army. Expanding the organic industrial base provides material required to arm and sustain a globally engaged Army.

Why is this important to the Army?

Army installations project power and serve as operational warfighting platforms. Installations require adequate, stable and predictable funding to support the readiness and resilience of Soldiers, Civilians, and their Families. Army installations must adapt to the changing environment of warfare by focusing resources on infrastructure and services that most directly influence Army Readiness.


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