Friday, October 24, 2014
What is it?
The Base Camp Integration Lab (BCIL) at Fort Devens, Massachusetts, provides the Army contingency basing community with an operational base camp to integrate and evaluate data pertaining to systems in development. It supports current and emerging technologies in a realistic, controlled, training environment. BCIL is the assessment and integration site supporting the Army’s rapidly deployable and highly expeditionary Force Provider System.
What is the Army doing?
The Product Manager for Force Sustainment Systems and the Commander of Fort Devens developed a partnership that allows base camp-related technologies to be evaluated in a Soldier training environment; transiting Soldiers in training reside in the facility, use and operate the systems and provide feedback.
By leveraging mature power, shelter, and water technologies and best practices to improve energy efficiency and reduce fuel consumption, the BCIL has reduced 75 percent of the camp’s water requirement and 30 percent of the fuel requirement. The Army G-4 and BCIL co-hosted a Stakeholders’ Day on Oct. 22, 2014, showcasing the equipment and systems, educating key leaders about emerging technologies to improve base camp quality of life and operational efficiency.
Why is this important to the Army?
Leveraging technology and expeditiously testing improved base camp systems accelerates the Army’s ability to get the best equipment into the field. As the Army focuses on the future, focused on a smaller, lighter and more agile force, energy efficiency will be key to reducing reliance on re-supply to base camps, reducing the size and frequency of required support convoys, and thereby reducing risk to the Soldiers who man those convoys. Overall, it provides increased operational security and flexibility to Commanders by reducing reliance on energy resources.
Capabilities developed and tested by BCIL include:
What continued efforts does the Army have planned for the future?
Future research and development of Operational Energy initiatives is focused on waste incineration, black waste remediation, and means to convert waste to energy. By reducing or eliminating the need to transport waste out of base camps, the Army will reduce costs, manpower, and reduce risk to Soldiers. Additionally, the ability to convert base camp waste to energy further enhances self-sufficiency, reducing re-supply requirements even more.
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