The Army released Execution Order 201-24, which addresses Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children and Youth. The order outlines standards and compliance for all Army installations when responding to reports of such behavior.

Army Quality of Life

Army Quality of Life

PCS Moves

PCS Moves

The Army continues to implement policies and initiatives to improve and streamline permanent change of station (PCS) relocations so that Soldiers and their families experience safe, convenient, and predictable transitions to new homes.

"The Army provides opportunities to travel the world, but moving to a new home also adds stress to the family. We acknowledge those challenges and address them while ensuring that we are placing the right leaders in the right places around the Army."
- Sergeant Major of the Army Michael A. Grinston

The DoD's official Customer Moving Portal is www.militaryonesource.mil/move

Assistance Call Centers

  • The Army increased reimbursement for personally procured moves (PPMs) to 100% of the estimated cost the government would pay a moving company as well as fuel surcharges or allowances for bulky items like motorcycles or hot-tubs. This provides Soldiers and civilians more scheduling flexibility and an option to avoid contact with outside agencies. Note: funded orders and weight tickets are required.
  • To enable better forecasting and scheduling, the Army now requires PCS orders to be provided 120 days before report dates.
  • During a PCS move, Soldiers can claim per diem allowance for meals and incidentals up to seven days without receipts. If pickups or deliveries are missed during a PCS move, Soldiers may claim per diem allowance for meals and incidentals up to seven days without receipts. DPMO Inconvenience Claims Fact Sheet
  • The claim notification deadline has been increased from 75 to 180 days after delivery to identify any loss or damage, with the choice to repair or receive full repair costs.
  • Moving companies are being held accountable for their services. The Army posts moving company customer satisfaction survey scores on the Defense Personal Property System customer page. Soldiers and civilians will receive survey invitations via text or email and can complete the survey online. Survey responses provide valuable feedback on both government and industry services that we use to improve processes and maintain accountability.
News & Announcements
Way Ahead
  • The Army has hired more household goods inspectors to meet the goal of conducting 100% inspection of household goods moves with at least 75% of the moves having in-person inspection.
  • The Army Relocation Advisory Committee (ARAC), an intra-Army committee, works to identify and resolve PCS issues. The committee consists of Army stakeholders and includes active, Reserve and National Guard spouses.
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