Soldier Show vets wed on Valentine's Day

By Tim Hipps, IMCOM Public AffairsFebruary 15, 2013

Soldier Show vets wed on Valentine's Day
Lt. Gen. Mike Ferriter, commander of Installation Management Command, gave away Spc. Whitney Jones to Spc. Glenn Grainger, both alumni of the 2012 U.S. Army Soldier Show, at the Fort Sam Houston Theater on Valentine's Day. The two met while touring w... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

SAN ANTONIO (Feb. 14, 2013) --Soldier Show veterans Spcs. Glenn Grainger and Whitney Jones were married on Valentine's Day on the same stage where they met at Fort Sam Houston Theatre.

Not only were they married by Army Installation Management Command Chaplain Lt. Col. Milton Johnson, but Jones was escorted down the aisle and given away by Lt. Gen. Mike Ferriter, IMCOM commander.

"I don't think there's too many people that can say they had a three-star general walk their wife down the aisle, so this is definitely special," Grainger said. "And for him to postpone things to actually do this for us really means a lot. Then to have some of our friends who were in last year's show with us just put the icing on the cake.

"You can't ask for a better commanding general than Lieutenant General Ferriter," Grainger continued. "He's definitely always looking out for everybody and always taking care of his Soldiers. Just to be here for a day like this, which was outside of his duty, just really means a lot. Coming from both of us, we just definitely say 'thank you.'"

It was an IMCOM wedding in a theatre the Soldier Show rebuilt with cupid in the air -- on Valentine's Day, no less.

"This is cool," Whitney said. "It's even cooler that we actually did it in the place we met. Our first plan was to go to the courthouse, but we thought: all our friends are here, so why not just do it at the theatre? Let's just ask the chaplain if we could do it here."

Whitney remembers the day they met, Feb. 18, 2012, her 21st birthday.

"We had not even officially made the show yet," she recalled.

They both made the show and toured together for six months.

"I proposed to her on September 3rd," Glenn said. "I was just completely 100 percent sure that I found my angel."

After the Soldier Show ended Oct. 5, Glenn returned to Fort Drum, N.Y., and Whitney to Orlando, Fla. Within three days, Glenn jetted to Florida for a short visit.

They were reunited Jan. 31 at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, home of Army Entertainment, their new assignment. He now serves as a technician, she as an admin clerk.

"God works in mysterious ways because I was up in Fort Drum, New York, where it's like negative 20 degrees, and to come back here with this beautiful weather is definitely one great thing," Glenn said. "And to be here with my wife, I don't have to worry about not seeing her anymore. We actually reported here on the same day, Jan. 31st. I'm here for the next three years and she'll definitely be here for the next two."

Glenn said it was Whitney's idea to get married on Valentine's Day.

"It worked out," he said. "Whatever to make her happy, I'm definitely willing to do."

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