FORT GORDON, GA (July 24, 2012) -- Brig. Gen. LaWarren V. Patterson relinquished command of 7th Signal Command (Theater), to Col. John Hildebrand during a ceremony here today.
Following the relinquishment ceremony, Lt. Gen. Susan S. Lawrence, U.S. Army Chief Information officer/CIO/G-6, frocked Patterson to major general.
Maj. Gen. Jennifer L. Napper, commanding general, U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command, praised Patterson for "significantly modernizing information technology infrastructure, all aimed at delivering more capability to commanders so they can execute their missions through all phases of operations."
"He knows what's going on, he visits his units, he listens to his people, and he keeps those he supports informed," said Napper. "He has earned the full support of the over 50 senior mission commanders across the country."
In a separate event before the change of command ceremony, Napper presented Patterson with the Distinguished Service Medal for his service as 7th Signal Command's commanding general during the past two years.
"What he does sounds like basic leadership, but when Warren does it, it is truly beautiful to watch and inspirational to follow," said Napper.
Hildebrand will serve as the 7th Signal Command commander until Brig. Gen. John Morrison assumes command during a ceremony slated here on August 21.
"I am grateful and humbled to have been part of this team. It has been my honor to serve alongside you. I wish each and every one of you the very best as you continue to do great and difficult work for our nation," said Patterson. "I'm also very pleased to know that I'm leaving the command in good hands. I have no doubt that Colonel Hildebrand will continue steering a steady course, as he has done throughout my time in command."
Patterson will replace Maj. Gen. Alan R. Lynn as the commanding general, U.S. Army Signal Center of Excellence and Fort Gordon during a change of command ceremony here tomorrow. With assumption of command, Patterson will become the Army's 36th Chief of Signal.
Patterson is a native of Portsmouth, Va. He graduated from Norfolk State University, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communications, and receiving his commission as a second lieutenant in the Signal Corps in 1982. He also holds a Master of Science Degree in General Administration from Central Michigan University, and a Masters in Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College.
As commanding general of 7th Signal Command, he directed operations and defense of the Army's LandWarNet in the Western Hemisphere. 7th Signal Command provides unity of command for network operations in the Army North and Army South Areas of Operations, consolidating many loosely affiliated networks into a single standardized network enterprise.
Through its three theater strategic signal brigades, Network Enterprise Centers at each Army installation in the continental United States, and two Theater Network Operations and Security Centers, the command delivers critical IT solutions, capabilities, and services to the Army, supporting war fighting, generating forces, and intergovernmental, interagency and civil authorities.
Prior to commanding the 7th Signal Command, Patterson served as Deputy Commanding General of the U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command, and as the Chief, Portfolio Management Division, Governance Acquisition and Chief Knowledge Office Directorate, Office of the Army Chief Information Officer/G-6.
His career has encompassed a wide range of command and staff positions, beginning with assignments as a Battalion Signal Officer and Signal Platoon Leader at Fort Hood, Texas. He has commanded at every level, including company command of the 85th Light Equipment Maintenance Company, battalion command of the 440th Signal Battalion, and brigade command of the 1st Signal Brigade.
Other key assignments have included Squadron Signal Officer and Division Radio Officer with the 3rd Infantry Division, selection for the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Intern Program, deployment to Saudi Arabia in support of Operation Desert Storm, Army Personnel Services Command Signal Branch Lieutenants and Captains Assignment Officer, and Special Assistant to the U.S. Commander, United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces Korea.
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