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7th Signal Command (T) Sergeant Major retires

By 7th Signal Command Public AffairsDecember 5, 2011

FORT GORDON, Ga. -- Maj. Gen. Jennifer Napper, commander, Network Enterprise Technology Command, invites you to attend a change of responsibility ceremony and retirement luncheon Jan. 12 honoring Command Sgt. Maj. Kenneth O. Williams, 7th Signal Command (Theater), command sergeant major. The change of responsibility ceremony will be held at 10:00 a.m. in Alexander Hall in Signal Towers and the retirement luncheon will be held at 11:30 a.m. at the Gordon Club, North Wing Ballroom. R.S.V.P. by Jan. 6, (706) 787-7707.

Williams is a native of North Carolina. He entered the Army July 14, 1978 as a Radio Teletype Operator. He attended Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Gordon.

Throughout his 33-year career, Williams served in myriad leadership positions from squad leader to his current position as command sergeant major, 7th Signal Command. He previously served as the command sergeant major for the 516th Signal Brigade, Fort Shafter, Hawaii. He also served as command sergeant major of 2d Signal Brigade, 5th Signal Command (Taylor Barracks) and 7th Signal Brigade, 5th Signal Command (Sullivan Barracks), Mannheim, Germany. While serving in the 7th Signal Brigade, he deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Williams served as command sergeant major of the 44th Signal Battalion, 7th Signal Brigade (Sullivan Barracks), Mannheim, Germany. He was also command sergeant major of the 43rd Signal Battalion (Campbell Barracks), Heidelberg, Germany. Additionally, he completed first sergeant assignments at Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 302d Signal Battalion, 5th Signal Command; 181st Signal Company, 43d Signal Battalion; and Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 5th Signal Command.

Williams' military and civilian education include all levels of the Noncommissioned Officer Education System and other professional development courses to include the Basic Noncommissioned Officers Course, Advanced Noncommissioned Officers Course, Master Fitness Trainer Course, Drill Sergeants Course, First Sergeants Course, United States Army Command Sergeants Major Academy, and the Command Sergeants Major Course. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from Excelsior College.

Williams' awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (2nd Oak Leaf Cluster), Army Commendation Medal (5th OLC), Army Achievement Medal (6th OLC), Drill Sergeant Badge, Driver and Mechanic Badges, and the German Schutzenschnur Badge (Silver). He is a recipient of the Signal Corps Regimental Association's Silver Order of Mercury.