'Steel Dragon' builds friendship with local Dhi Qar villagers

By 2nd Lt. Ted Bentler, 2nd Bn., 82nd FA Regt. UPAR, 3rd AAB, 1st Cav. Div.October 4, 2011

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CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq " 'Steel Dragon' Soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division hand out humanitarian aid to local children at a village near Contingency Operatin... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq -- 'Steel Dragon' Soldiers from Battery B, 2nd Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Advise and Assist Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, have been busy during Operation New Dawn. The entire battery has worked hard to plan, execute, and support missions. At a village near Contingency Operating Base Adder, Iraq Sept. 20, Soldiers continued to build on their relationships with the Dhi Qar locals when they visited them during a recent mission.

The 3rd Platoon Soldiers have become friendly faces to the villagers over the course of the deployment and this recent visit helped strengthen the platoon's ties to the population.

In the process, they handed out humanitarian aid kits which included coloring books, school supplies, hygiene items, sandals and soccer balls. The platoon also receives care packages from stateside charity groups that they share with local Iraqis. These charities have also sent packages with beanie caps and mittens for the upcoming winter months.

The villagers, especially the children, were grateful for the aid.

"Helping kids and seeing the looks on their faces makes it all worth it." said Sgt. Marcus Coston.

During this mission, the Platoon, nicknamed "DoggPound," received feedback from the community on the current security situation.

"The Iraqi Police stationed nearby are taking a greater role in security operations and recognize their role in the security of Dhi Qar." said 1st Lt. Ryan Ochocki, the 'DoggPound" platoon leader.

Many of the locals are pleased with their increasing quality of life thanks to Iraq's improved security. Villagers are happy to see the police have a larger role in the security of the area. This small village is just one example of how Battery B and 2nd Bn., 82nd FA Regt., are doing their part to improve, aid, and assist Iraqis during Operation New Dawn.