Program integrates community

By Kerstin Lopez, Mountaineer staffJanuary 14, 2011

The Army Family Team Building program recently celebrated its 17th year of putting Families first and promoting the military lifestyle.

Members of the Fort Carson community have the opportunity to engage in the Army Family Team Building Program offered by the Army Community Service and get a better understanding of the military.

AFTB provides participants with information to help understand the functions of the Army and the Soldier's role. The program offers tools to assist in improving Family well-being, said Nancy Montville, Army Community Service Family Enrichment Program manager.

Montville said ACS offers AFTB courses, which are a series of training modules covering

topics such as basic information about the Army, personal growth skills and leadership skills.

"Fort Carson's AFTB program is continuously evolving to meet the needs of Families facing multiple deployments," Montville said.

Three levels are offered throughout the year at ACS. An Instructor Training Course is also offered twice per year and AFTB has implemented an Army 101 course to teach

civilian counterparts such as firefighters, first responders and mental health workers.

In addition to training and informational classes, the AFTB program at Fort Carson plays a part in several activities across post.

"The AFTB program participates in postwide events such as the THRIVE Fair,

briefings at battalion level staff meetings, reunion and deployment fairs and newcomer's briefings," Montville said.

Kristi Arnot, an Army spouse since 2009 and Fort Carson resident since March 2010, has found great value in the AFTB program offered by ACS and has taken it upon herself to take all three levels of the AFTB courses.

"I really enjoyed learning all of the new information offered through the AFTB courses -having no previous military experience, they helped me to feel more connected to the military community I was trying so hard to understand," Arnot said.

The courses were able to give Arnot perspective on things such as formations; Army customs, courtesies and traditions; acronyms; and developing stress management techniques.

Like Arnot, Athena McDaniels found herself in a similar situation. Having been

a new Army spouse for less than a year and with her first permanent change of station under her belt, McDaniels turned to ACS for information and guidance on her new Army life and quickly got involved with the AFTB program.

"It gave me an outlet to meet new people and get involved," said McDaniels. "It is a great way to get to know the Army and meet others that are in your same situation. Also, for those of us that choose not to live on post, it gets you acquainted with the post and the programs that are offered. It is a great program."

"I have recommended AFTB to nearly every new military spouse I have met. There is a wealth of knowledge available through ACS," Arnot said.