304th guest speaker series discusses Middle East

By Amy SunseriJuly 29, 2010

Dr. John Duke Anthony, founding president and chief executive officer of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations gives a presentation on the Middle East, Monday, at Murr Community Center. Anthony has spent the last 35 years as a consultant and le... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT HUACHUCA, Ariz. -- What if the coin was turned and the United States was not a number-one military force' What if soldiers from the Middle East came and knocked on Americans' doors and searched their homes for weapons' Founding President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, Dr. John Duke Anthony, spoke about the Middle East, Monday, at Murr Community Center on Fort Huachuca. It was part of the 304th Military Intelligence Battalion's Officer Professional Development guest speaker series.

Over the past 30 years Anthony has visited every country in the Middle East. He has accompanied more than 200 members of Congress, their chiefs of staff, defense and foreign affairs advisors, and legislative and communications directors on fact-finding missions to the Arab world.

Before he began his remarks, Anthony told the audience, "some of the things I have to offer or comment on may not sit with where you're coming from, but I've been asked to speak the truth as I see it."

"I've been mobilized and deployed to the region [Middle East] more than 300 times, and every single time I have a degree of culture shock," said Anthony.

Dr. Anthony began his presentation by discussing patriotism. He talked about how often Americans think they're number one and they are, but what if they weren't number one' What would happen if Asia attacked the U.S.' Anthony's presentation was designed to make the audience think about the world and what's happening in the Middle East.

"The United States [is] the richest country in the world and in history, and the planet has a homeless problem," said Anthony. He stated the problem is better, but there are still 112,000 Americans who will sleep on the streets tonight. "In Kuwait there's not a citizen who will. In Saudi Arabia there's not a citizen who will."

"It is often said that they [Arabs and Muslims] hate us. They hate us because of our freedoms; they hate us because of our democracy. And some, they do," stated Anthony. But he said a large amount have high regard for American freedoms, democracy, research, development, technology, economic powers and military might.

About 30 people, mostly Soldiers, attended the presentation. After Anthony's remarks, many asked questions pertaining to the Middle East.

Every quarter the 304th MI Bn. OPD tries to offer a guest speaker on post. "We're trying to get a broad range of topics on current events," said John Vose, 304th MI Bn. intelligence surveillance reconnaissance integrator. The events are open to the public.