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TRADOC commanding general visits Fort Gordon

By Charmain Z. BrackettJune 22, 2010

TRADOC commanding general visits Fort Gordon
From left: Gen. Martin Dempsey, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command commanding general, Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas Clark, Fort Gordon command sergeant major, Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Foley, commanding general of U.S. Army Signal Center of Excellence and ... (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

Training and Doctrine Command's top leader visited Fort Gordon last week to deliver a birthday message to the Signal Corps and to get an overview of changes since his last visit a year ago.

"I'm really happy to have the opportunity to congratulate the Signal Corps," said Gen. Martin Dempsey, TRADOC's commanding general who spent June 8 at Fort Gordon.

Dempsey said Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Foley, Fort Gordon's commanding general and Chief of Signal, provided him with a lesson in the history of both Fort Gordon and the Signal Corps, which is celebrating its 150th anniversary this month.

Foley's overview gave Dempsey glimpses of Brig. Gen. Albert Myer, who founded the Signal Corps in June 1860, and Lt. Gen. John Brown Gordon, for whom the installation is named.

"I'm a huge believer that we need to know our history," Dempsey said.

Other stops on Dempsey's visit included a classroom to meet with a group of captains in the Captains' Career Course. He also met with noncommissioned officers.

"That recharges my batteries. It allows me to understand what's on their minds," said Dempsey.

Also fueling his enthusiasm was their ability to adapt and innovate. He said he "cheered mightily" when he heard about a course which went from 296 Powerpoint slides to only 10.

Another highlight of his Fort Gordon visit was to the Neuroscience and Rehabilitation Center where traumatic brain injury patients receive treatment.

Dempsey spent about an hour meeting with doctors and senior leaders as well as talking with two Soldiers who have TBI and learning their course of treatment at Fort Gordon.

"It's not a penetrating wound," he said. "It's much harder to understand."

Dempsey was impressed with the efforts at the Neuroscience and Rehabilitation Center.

Overall, Dempsey liked what he saw on his trip to Fort Gordon. While he didn't want to seem as though he was being trite or using a clichAfA, Dempsey said his visit to Fort Gordon showed him Soldiers who are fulfilling an Army motto from a few years ago - being all they can be.

"The leadership at Fort Gordon is doing a good job," he said.