Konnichiwa! Fort Bragg students celebrate Asian Pacific Month

By Sharilyn Wells/ParaglideJune 4, 2010

Konnichiwa! Fort Bragg students celebrate Asian Pacific Month
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT BRAGG, N.C. - Emily Young's multi-age, kindergarten and first grade class from Holbrook Elementary School, learned about different countries of Asian Pacific cultures in appreciation of Asian Pacific Month. Young's class shared their Japanese experience with other students at the school, May 27.

The class demonstrated the Japanese culture through decorations that included handmade kites, paintings of their names in Japanese writing, paper dolls, and learning to eat with chop sticks. They also performed martial arts and Japanese songs and dances. With the help of multiple students' parents, they also learned about the state of Hawaii and countries such as Korea and Guam.

"I think Korea was really fun to learn about, I even learned to eat with chopsticks," said Arianna D'Alessio, 6.

Avery Snyder, 5, said she also enjoyed learning about Korea, "I love (Korea's) flag."

Both Jeremiah Bryson, 6, and Tristin Tucker, 7, said they enjoyed learning about sword fighting and Jadara Manning, 6, said she enjoyed making oragami cranes. "I even tried to make a paper whale!" she exclaimed.

Adriel Zambrano, 6, said he enjoyed Japan's favorite children's game, Jan-ken-po, which is paper, rock, scissors. Kyle Verango's, 7, favorite part was getting to wear Hawaiian leis while they learned about his home state, Hawaii.

True girl at heart, Sarah Bozeman, 6, said she enjoyed learning the cherry blossom dance and how to "stand pretty."