Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills

By TRADOC for STAND-TO!April 18, 2010

Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills

What is it'

In 2003, the Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills (WTBD) were unveiled and pronounced as the skills needed by all Soldiers for combat. The list of tasks and drills were extensive, and the associated sub-task numbered in the hundreds. Additionally, many in operational units believed these skills were to be trained only in the initial training units, and only certain ones needed polish prior to deployment.

What has the Army done'

After 8 years of combat and related battlefield lessons learned a revised list of WTBD and refined list of sub-tasks was devised. These revised Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills were the result of a review by a committee of Soldiers of all ranks who serve in both the training base and in operational units, and after revision they were extensively vetted with all major commands. The revised WTBD and subtask list is shorter and it is based on the philosophy that all Soldiers - regardless of rank or military occupational specialty (MOS) - need specific skills on which to gain proficiency...and on which to build. This list is a "base;" commanders with specific missions and training resources now have the flexibility to build on their Soldiers' skills so that they might best adapt to their job, their mission, and their environment, while ensuring their Soldiers are trained on the right basics. The WTBD are now posted on the Army Training Network (ATN), available to all commanders and leaders.

What efforts does the Army have planned for this initiative'

Soldiers will be introduced to the new WTBD during initial training; they will be expected to continue to gain proficiency during advanced training in the schoolhouse and in their operational units. Every Soldier will continue to proclaim - as they recite the Soldier's Creed -they are "Proficient in their Warrior Tasks and Drills," but they will now be expected to continue to refine and expand their capabilities - on the WTBD and other tasks that the unit deems required for mission accomplishment - at their first and follow-on unit of assignment, and at all Army schools.

Why is this important to the Army'

In the Army Training Leadership Development guidance, the chief of staff of the U.S. Army stated to the senior leadership: "Do a few key tasks very well rather than checking the block on a "laundry list."" Since proficiency in the Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills is proclaimed by all Soldiers and is considered the essence of good Soldiering, every Soldier must understand these WTBD. Leaders must train their Soldiers in these skills, and they should provide the base so that every Soldier can adapt to more complex missions and tasks as he or she grows in the profession.


<a href="https://atn.army.mil/Media/docs/WTBD%20List%20Mar%202010%20-%20Copy.pdf" target="_blank"> Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills </a>

<a href="https://atn.army.mil" target="_blank"> "What's Hot" list on the Army Training Network homepage</a>