Colder weather doesn't slow Old Guard

By Sgt. Nancy Deweese Old Guard Public AffairsDecember 2, 2009

Colder weather doesn't slow Old Guard
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For the 3rd U.S. Infantry (The Old Guard), the fall and winter months mean colder weather, which changes the mission and training schedule. Despite the changes in weather, Old Guard standards do not waver.

Because of the difference in the mission schedule, there is time for more training to ensure that standards are being met. To guarantee that The Old Guard remains the best, there is the ceremonial training and evaluation program.

CERTEP is a week of intensive training that takes place indoors at Fort Myer Conmy Hall or outdoors on Summerall Field, which culminates in a test at the end of the week. Both places are located at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. By passing the test, Soldiers are certified to do missions in Conmy Hall or on Summerall Field.

Capt. Michael Frank grades the commanders of troops and the staffs. As the ceremonies officer in charge, Frank ensures there will be enough graders to look at the Soldiers as they test out, as well as coordinating support staff to make CERTEP training as close as possible to reality.

CERTEP focuses on four main elements - ceremonial composure (which deals with facial expression, eye movement and corrections), uniform inspections, marching and weapons manual.

''We are looking for ceremonial proficiency from start to finish of a ceremonial mission," Frank said. ''The Old Guard is known worldwide for its attention to detail and precision in every movement that is made. The graders are looking for any miscue made by the marching element or the staff."

All line companies in The Old Guard must pass CERTEP twice a year. They are trained and tested by Soldiers from the ceremonies and special events shop.

The CERTEP in session right now is for certification in Conmy Hall. CERTEP certification for Summerall Field will happen in the spring, when the weather will allow Soldiers to be outdoors.

CERTEP for Conmy Hall is different from CERTEP for Summerall Field, said Staff Sgt. Justin Lee, a squad leader from Company D, 1st Battalion. Lee was training with his company in C Hall during the first week in November.

''The Soldiers are much closer to the crowd," Lee said. ''Because of that, they need to be tighter and more precise in their movement. They need to realize that any little mistake or movement can be noticed very easily."

During the training, the Soldiers dress in their Class B formal wear. When they do their final test in front of the graders, the Soldiers wear the uniform they would wear in a ceremony - The Old Guard's ceremonial blues uniform.

Training for CERTEP means that the Soldiers must stand at attention or ceremonial-at-ease for long periods of time while maintaining ceremonial composure. If a Soldier does not meet the standard on the test-out day at the end of the week, he must retrain until he can meet the standard, said Lee.

''It's not something you set yourself up for failure for," Lee said.

CERTEP serves more than to certify the line companies to perform ceremonies; it also gets all of The Old Guard on the same page, said Frank. Having the special events shop train all of the companies ensures that all of the commands are given and acted upon correctly and in the same way by each company.

''The Ceremonies Training and Evaluation Program is a key to The Old Guard's success because it highlights what we do best," Frank said. ''The entire CERTEP process ensures compliance and understanding of the ceremonial standard operating procedure, standardizes all elements and recognizes the most proficient marching company."

Once all of The Old Guard line companies are evaluated by Frank's staff, the company who scores the highest on all aspects CERTEP will receive a trophy and recognition from the leadership at The Old Guard.