SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawaii – The 25th Infantry Division and U.S. Army Hawaii held a scholarship recognition ceremony at the installation’s Joint Multinational Simulation Center and Mission Training Complex, Aug. 28, 2024.
The ceremony was held to honor U.S. Army ROTC Cadet Evan Shiroma, a University of Hawaii at Manoa student and the 2024 recipient of the Nainoa Hoe Scholarship of Honor.
“I am truly honored to be awarded such a prestigious scholarship that is named after one of our fallen warriors,” said Shiroma. “I made a promise to the UHM Warrior Battalion to give 100% at all times and never give up through any hardship or struggles. This scholarship encourages me to keep that promise.”

The scholarship is named in honor of U.S. Army 1st Lt. Nainoa Hoe, a former University of Hawaii ROTC Cadet and 25th Infantry Division Soldier who was mortally wounded while serving in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2005.
1st Lt. Hoe, a Hawaii native, earned his bachelor’s and earned his bachelor’s degree in management information systems and a master’s in business administration prior to commissioning as an Infantry officer in 2003.
“We are proud to honor Evan with this scholarship,” said Allen Hoe, 1st Lt. Hoe’s father and a U.S. Army Vietnam War veteran. “Overtime we have seen remarkable young men and women come through this [ROTC] program, be presented this award and scholarship, then go on to have special Army careers.”

The scholarship is given based upon the academic, athletic and leadership skills of an individual who has exhibited a commitment to public service while serving as a cadet in a Hawaii ROTC program.
Shiroma, also a Hawaii native, was presented the scholarship by Allen Hoe during the ceremony, where 25th Inf. Div. Soldiers, U of H at Manoa ROTC Warrior Battalion Cadets, and local Hawaii community members came together to support and congratulate him on earning the scholarship.
“I honestly wasn’t expecting such a ceremony to be held, and I am very grateful to have so many show up to it,” said Shiroma. “I love my country so much and want to protect it like many others have before me, like that of 1st Lt. Hoe.”

During the ceremony, in addition to the scholarship, Shiroma was presented with a medallion, numerous challenge coins, and other keepsakes from 25th Inf. Div. leaders.
“It’s my honor to present this medallion to Cadet Shiroma on behalf of the LaValette Foundation and Nainoa and what he stood for,” said U.S. Army Col. Graham White, the 25th Inf. Div. Chief of Staff. “This medallion represents those that came before you and those that are out there doing good things for the nation.”

In total, Shiroma was awarded approx. $3,000 in scholarship funds.
“I had very little exposure to the 25th ID while growing up, however, during my time in ROTC I have worked with many 25th ID Soldiers and they all encourage me to commission,” said Shiroma. “This scholarship will motivate me to give my 100% at all times in the U.S. Army.”
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