SCHOFIELD BARRACKS, Hawai’i — On Memorial Day 2024, U.S. Army Hawai’i held a solemn ceremony at Schofield Barracks to honor the brave service members who sacrificed their lives for the nation. In attendance were Gen. (Ret.) Bramlett, CASA Gil Tam, Maj. Gen. Helwig, several Colonels, Command Sergeant Majors, and members of the Garrison Native Hawaiian Advisory Council.
In his address, Col. Steve McGunegle, commander, U.S. Army Garrison Hawai'i, reflected on the significance of Memorial Day, emphasizing the profound respect and gratitude owed to those who gave their lives in service. “Those we remember today gave their lives for our Republic,” said McGunegle “They were mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles—they are survived by our Gold Star Families who truly know the cost of freedom.”
Special thanks were extended to the Scouts who placed small American flags at every grave marker, a tradition they uphold each year. These flags honor those interred at cemeteries across the country and the world, symbolizing the national reverence for their sacrifice.
Col. McGunegle recounted the history of Memorial Day, which began as Decoration Day after the Civil War. He noted that it was a time to decorate the graves of war veterans with flags, ribbons, and flowers, a practice that evolved into the federal holiday known today. “It’s the one day each year dedicated to honoring the military men and women who gave their last full measure of devotion in service to others, in defense of our nation, its values, freedoms, and liberties,” he said.
The ceremony included the presentation of wreaths by various organizations, including the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Veterans, and the Wahiawa Rainbow Seniors. Gold Star family members laid a wreath in honor of their fallen heroes, followed by Major Gen. Jared Helwig and Command Sgt. Maj. Brian Morrison representing the 8th Theater Sustainment Command.
The event concluded with a national salute and the playing of taps; a poignant reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made by over 1.3 million Americans since the nation’s founding. “Remember we the living owe soldiers, Marines, sailors, airmen, guardians, and Coast Guardsmen who have made the ultimate sacrifice,” urged McGunegle “Do not let the names and effort of those who have sacrificed fade away. Remember them and make sure they are never forgotten.”
As we conclude today’s Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony, we are reminded of the importance of community and the strength we derive from coming together to honor our fallen heroes. Each one of you plays a vital role in preserving the memory of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
Mahalo to our service members, veterans, families, and all community members who joined us today. Your presence here is a testament to the enduring respect and gratitude we hold for those who have given their lives in defense of our nation.
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