FORT KNOX, Ky. — Lined up and waiting for their next journey to begin, 74 Fort Knox Middle High Schoolers walked the stage at Olive Theater on May 18.
With over $2 million in scholarships, including six ROTC scholarships, 51 college acceptances and 10 military enlistments, FKMHS principal Dr. Stacie Lamoureux said these students have, “definitely gone for the gold.”
“We have all gone through so much together as a class, so as we celebrate tonight by taking one step forward, I find it important to first take a step back and reflect,” said senior class president Sebastian Malvaez when addressing his peers.
He then shared a fond memory with the class from the senior sunrise and reminded his peers to always remember their time together before introducing class salutatorian, Keely O’Bryan.
O’Bryan opened by congratulating each of her peers on their achievements. She then advised them to take advantage of opportunities presented to them in life – comparing them to a currency that depletes as you grow.
“The opportunities are here now,” she said. “So push yourself that extra mile, because you have the opportunity to; study harder, because you have the opportunity to; and get involved, because you have the opportunity to.”
Lamoureux shared a personal memory with the class about her first meeting with class valedictorian Shawn Terrado. It turns out the two had both spent time at Camp Humphreys Korea.
“That was our bonding moment, and it made me think, that’s what is so special about being a Fort Knox Middle High School student or graduate,” she said. “It doesn’t matter where your journey begins, it doesn’t matter what your differences are and it doesn’t matter where your journey ends. What matters is when you have that commonality, you get it.”
Terrado, 2024 Class Valedictorian spoke next, sharing another piece of advice with her class. She said that though she agreed with O’Bryan about the merit of taking advantage of opportunities, it is also important to take time for yourself.
“And she’s right,” she said about O’Bryan’s speech. “You can’t make it anywhere by doing nothing, but I’d like to pair that with an equally important reminder, remember that there’s a life outside of the race.”
Terrado ended by wishing a fulfilling life for each of the individuals graduating before a photo slideshow of student moments and memories played on three screens around the theater.
The ceremony came to an end after guest speaker retired Chief Warrant Officer 4 Dennis Pelts, former JROTC Instructor at FKMHS, addressed the class with advice about facing the challenges that life may throw their way.
“You must never accept that you’re not good enough, you must never allow anyone to hold you back from becoming the person that you want to be,” he said. “Never let failure define who you are.”

Editor’s Note: To view all photos from the event, go to the official Fort Knox Flickr page. Fort Knox Middle High School Graduation - Class of 2024 | Flickr
To watch the Facebook Live video of the event, you can visit the Dodea Fort Knox Middle High School YouTube link. Fort Knox Graduation 2024 LiveStream (
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