HONOLULU — Gen. Charles Flynn revealed how the Army integrates the joint force for multi-domain operations in opening remarks delivered Tuesday at the 2024 Landpower in the Pacific conference. Known as LANPAC, the conference is an annual international meeting hosted in Honolulu by the Association of the U.S. Army.
Attended this year by representatives from more than two dozen armies — including 13 chiefs of armies — the conference features international panel discussions focused on multi-domain operations and the strategic landpower network. Addressing the international audience of senior army leaders, Gen. Flynn stressed the importance of this network.
“What really matters more is that we, together, as a group, through our unity and collective commitment to each other, we must achieve a lasting peace,” said Flynn. “And we'll do so by mobilizing the collective capabilities and strengths of our strategic landpower network.”
Flynn, who took command of U.S. Army Pacific in June 2021, has since then pushed for more integration and regular contact with allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific for improved interoperability. From large-scale, multi-lateral exercises to single army-to-army exercises and small unit partnerships to leader engagements like LANPAC, Army activities in the Indo-Pacific continue to bring ally and partner nations closer.
“Mobilizing our strategic landpower network for the greater good is vital to our security and prosperity — for each of our nations, and for the region. Why? Because our network allows us to respond in unison in times of crisis,” continued Flynn. “Our network reinforces collective legitimacy for armies and nations to resist coercion. Our network denies incremental, insidious and irresponsible behaviors of authoritarian regimes. Our network protects our people, defends our lands, and assures our freedoms. Because our network is about each other’s sovereignty. Our network creates that legitimacy to avert disruption and prevent opportunism by nefarious actors.”
The Indo-Pacific covers more than half the surface of the planet and is home to 60% of humanity and some of the world's largest and most capable armies. The region, perceived by many as an air and maritime theater, presents joint challenges that only have joint solutions — many of which rely on strategic application of landpower for their effectiveness.
Land forces — particularly the U.S. Army — provide support capabilities all other services depend on. For example, the Army’s logistics, medical and other capabilities provide theater forces reliable, robust support across the competition-crisis-conflict continuum. This consistent support bolsters air and sea power, enhancing the effectiveness of joint solutions for contingencies and combat missions.
Operation Pathways is how the U.S. Army regularly exercises the logistics of moving personnel, equipment and capabilities around the Pacific and working through the challenges that come with campaigning and working in a vast region, and with different allies and partners and their requirements.
Holding ground and defending key terrain for locating personnel, equipment, supplies, or all three in positions of advantage is essential. With positional advantage, armies create joint interior lines and establish a denial defense to deter aggressors from threatening the safe, stable, and secure Indo-Pacific.
By organizing, generating, applying and building landpower, the Army, with allies and partners, positions that power in the right places to create enduring, lasting strength and set conditions for persistent deterrence of irresponsible and reckless behaviors.
LANPAC continues through Thursday, May 16, 2024, featuring a broad range of military matters and includes more leaders’ remarks, professional networking and development opportunities, and panel discussions on the strategic landpower network and multi-domain operations.
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