FORT KNOX, Ky. — Some big things happened at Fort Knox this year: from a new lake that was constructed by 19th Engineer Battalion Soldiers to the arrival of cable and solar EV charging stations.

Sometimes the best steps forward are made by looking back from where we have come. Let’s take a moment or two to look back at 16 stories that have shaped our 2023 before 2024 arrives.
JANUARY 20. Recognizing that quality child care can be both difficult to find and afford, Kentucky leaders on Jan. 12 announced that the Defense Department has given them the green light to expand on an existing program: Kentucky to offer additional assistance for military Families unable to get CDC child care | Article | The United States Army
FEBRUARY 17. An announcement has been circulating across U.S. military email accounts lately describing a pilot program designed to help spouses land competitive jobs: Hiring Our Heroes officials tout Military Spouse Accelerator Pilot program | Article | The United States Army
MARCH 8. The first man-made natural resource of its kind at Fort Knox in nearly half a century, the time for Castle Lake to open to the public is getting closer: Natural Resources Branch chief updates Fort Knox community on Castle Lake | Article | The United States Army
MARCH 21. “Bloom where you're planted,” isn’t just Fort Knox Community Garden coordinator Alisyn Kandybowicz’s motto, it’s her mission. See how this Army spouse has transformed the installation social green space: New Fort Knox Community Garden coordinator leads transformation efforts for post green space | Article | The United States Army
MARCH 31. Despite setbacks in weather and other issues, officials in charge of construction on the Army’s third Digital Air-Ground Integration Range say they are on track with completing the range by the start of 2024, with the instrumentation phase set to begin shortly after: VIDEO: Officials prepare for final phase of DAGIR construction | Article | The United States Army
APRIL 14. According to Army Personnel Testing officials at Army University, Fort Knox became the first installation to record what they called a perfect score when Sgt. 1st Class Ashley Hackley earned a 144 on her GT score: Fort Knox Active Guard Reserve Soldier achieves ‘unthinkable’ at GT score improvement test | Article | The United States Army. Fort Knox made news again in October when Staff Sgt. Aaron Overstreet scored better than perfect with a 147: Fort Knox Soldier surpasses ‘perfect’ score on GT improvement exam | Article | The United States Army
MAY 12. Millions of service members from every military branch of service can trace their names back to one location. Their names are not traced in the ancestral sense, however, but rather physically by a small team of workers at the Army & Air Force Exchange Service Name Tape Plant; in an unassuming nondescript facility located at Fort Knox: Unique Fort Knox facility touches virtually every Defense Department service member | Article | The United States Army
MAY 19. Two dozen members of the Cincinnati Bengals arrived at Fort Knox to meet fans and get some team-building exercises in: ‘Who Dey!’ Cincinnati Bengals score big at Fort Knox visit | Article | The United States Army
MAY 22. Perfection! The Fort Knox Middle High School Class of 2023 enjoyed a unique status as one of the first to have a 100% graduation rate: Fort Knox Middle High School Class of 2023 celebrates ‘perfect’ graduation | Article | The United States Army
JUNE 15. A small group of installation leaders gathered for a brief ceremony at Fort Knox’s Eisenhower Avenue EV charging site June 15 to signal the future of the installation’s growing government electric vehicle fleet: Fort Knox EV charging stations now ‘Available’ for use | Article | The United States Army
JULY 3. Fort Knox FMWR scored big with a re-imagined Right Arm Night that has become a hit among personnel here: Fort Knox FMWR scores big with reimagined Right Arm Night gatherings | Article | The United States Army
JULY 25. Fast thinking and necessity led Fort Knox leaders to come up with a plan to deal with mounting trash around the installation after an unexpectedly abrupt stop in service: Knox Hills works to clean up trash after unexpected stop in service | Article | The United States Army
SEPTEMBER 7. The Lindsey Golf Course greens have turned gold with a 17th rank among all Defense Department links and best in the Army. Life wasn’t always this good for the service: Lindsey Golf Course becoming widely known as ‘hidden gem’ with gold standard greens | Article | The United States Army
SEPTEMBER 20. Fort Knox became the site of something that hasn’t been done before when Department of Defense Education Activity officials took advantage of the installation’s annual emergency response exercise to test their notification and reunification responses as part of the exercise: Annual Fort Knox emergency response exercise focuses on school notification, reunification efforts | Article | The United States Army
OCTOBER 26. An area behavioral health program that has helped Fort Knox Soldiers suffering from sexual assault has been named as the site for nationwide help: New local behavioral health program helps female military sexual assault victims across the nation | Article | The United States Army
NOVEMBER 9. It’s no secret that Fort Knox’s Energy program is the best in all of Department of Defense. In recognition of what officials have sought to achieve here, Department of Energy officials are putting their money where their mouth is, naming Fort Knox as one of 19 federal agencies to receive a portion of a $28.1 million grant: DOE awards grant to Fort Knox for next phase of energy resilience | Article | The United States Army
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