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Lessons for Building Cohesive Teams and Readiness During In-Processing

By CPT Azura LewisNovember 28, 2023

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

24-817_BCT In-processing (Nov 23) (Public).pdf

As the Army has shifted to a focus on people first, building cohesive teams, readiness, and retention, a Soldiers' first experience can often drive a response good or bad in how they perform or if they are willing to remain a part of the team. The intent of this article is to bring to light areas where in-processing at the Division and Brigade level can be optimized the sponsorship program to begin building cohesive teams early, increasing readiness, and minimizing frustrations throughout in-processing and PCS moves. Although all units seem to conduct in-processing in their own way, the Army has numerous resources already in use that if refined, can streamline this process.

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24-817_BCT In-processing (Nov 23) (Public).pdf

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