USACE Deputy Construction Chief earns prestigious Connolly award

By Rashida BanksJune 30, 2023

Douglas Saxon, deputy chief of Construction Division for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, is congratulated by Savannah Commander Col. Joseph Geary following an awards ceremony, June 27, where Saxon was honored with the 2023...
Douglas Saxon, deputy chief of Construction Division for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, is congratulated by Savannah Commander Col. Joseph Geary following an awards ceremony, June 27, where Saxon was honored with the 2023 James B. Connolly Award during the Society of American Military Engineers Annual Program Review. The award is presented annually to a civilian or military engineer for notable contributions in the field of engineering. (Photo Credit: Rashida Banks) VIEW ORIGINAL

Douglas Saxon, deputy chief of Construction Division for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District, received the Society of American Military Engineers’ James Connolly Award during the SAME Annual Program Review at the Savannah Riverfront Marriot, June 27, 2023.

Named in honor of James B. Connolly (1868-1957), Olympic gold medalist, Spanish-American War veteran, distinguished author, and former Corps’ Savannah District employee, the Connolly Award is presented annually to a civilian or military engineer for notable contributions in the field of engineering. The award is presented on behalf of the Savannah Community of Engineer organizations, which includes the SAME Savannah Post, and the American Society of Civil Engineers, Savannah Branch.

Saxon, who has served 33 years with the Corps’ Savannah District, was recognized for his outstanding accomplishments as a key team member in the execution of numerous high-profile projects throughout the years, most notably, the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project. Other key projects he has worked on include the Fort Stewart Modularity Complex and the 5th Infantry Brigade Combat Teams Complex at Fort Stewart, Georgia.

“Doug has been a backbone of our construction community within Savannah and across the region for many years,” said Col. Joseph Geary, commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District. “So it’s great for him to be recognized by his peers across both the government and civilian sector.”

As the deputy chief of Construction Division, Saxon has been the catalyst in developing processes, tools, and metrics to improve the Division’s performance and skill. He is a subject matter expert on federal construction projects and is often sought out by USACE headquarters and numerous other Corps districts for input and guidance. Saxon has also been an outstanding leader and mentor to young engineers, encouraging them to seek additional training opportunities and obtain their professional credentials.

“I know a lot of people who received this award before me, and what they brought to the organization and the engineering profession, so I’m both humbled and honored to be nominated and selected for this award,” said Saxon “I’m very blessed to have the opportunity to work in this area, with the Corps and the people I work with.”

Saxon holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Clemson University.