Dirty Jobs: Industrial Sewer Modernization at Iowa Army Ammunition Plant

By Brent Van Zuiden, Industrial Engineer, Iowa Army Ammunition PlantMay 30, 2023

Dirty Jobs: Industrial Sewer Modernization at Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
1 / 6 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A trench box is in place as the ground is excavated for new sewer line at the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant in Middletown, Iowa. (Photo: Brent Van Zuiden, Iowa Army Ammunition Plant) (Photo Credit: JMC Public Affairs Office) VIEW ORIGINAL
Dirty Jobs: Industrial Sewer Modernization at Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
2 / 6 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A new section of sewer line replaces another broken section that was discovered during the sewer system video conducted early on in the project at the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant in Middletown, Iowa. (Photo: Brent Van Zuiden, Iowa Army Ammunition Plant) (Photo Credit: JMC Public Affairs Office) VIEW ORIGINAL
Dirty Jobs: Industrial Sewer Modernization at Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
3 / 6 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A collapsed sewer line that was discovered and recently replaced at the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant in Middletown, Iowa. (Photo: Brent Van Zuiden, Iowa Army Ammunition Plant) (Photo Credit: JMC Public Affairs Office) VIEW ORIGINAL
Dirty Jobs: Industrial Sewer Modernization at Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
4 / 6 Show Caption + Hide Caption – At the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant in Middletown, Iowa, a continious installation of new sewer line is visible in the trench box, which is moved along to protect workers from collapse as each section of pipe is connected. (Photo: Brent Van Zuiden, Iowa Army Ammunition Plant) (Photo Credit: JMC Public Affairs Office) VIEW ORIGINAL
Dirty Jobs: Industrial Sewer Modernization at Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
5 / 6 Show Caption + Hide Caption – A standalone “biofilter” sewer system being installed near the railroad roundhouse at the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant in Middletown, Iowa. (Photo: Brent Van Zuiden, Iowa Army Ammunition Plant) (Photo Credit: JMC Public Affairs Office) VIEW ORIGINAL
Dirty Jobs: Industrial Sewer Modernization at Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
6 / 6 Show Caption + Hide Caption – The sewage tank is carefully guided into its required final position with close coordination between acrane operator and a worker for the stand-alone sewer systems portion at the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant in Middletown, Iowa. (Photo: Brent Van Zuiden, Iowa Army Ammunition Plant) (Photo Credit: JMC Public Affairs Office) VIEW ORIGINAL

Do you remember the show called “Dirty Jobs”? It featured those not so glamorous jobs and the individuals who performed them. The premise of the show was to shed light on the rarely popular but always necessary jobs that keep America going.

While Iowa Army Ammunition Plant, located in Middletown, Iowa, and one of the Joint Munitions Command’s subordinate installations, moves forward on overall plant modernization, the attention is very focused on the big projects such as the Long-Range Precision Artillery Facility and the Modern Tank Line.

Equally important but often overshadowed, are the projects such as new Electrical Distribution Systems, new Boiler Plants, Modern Wastewater Treatment Plants, and Industrial Sewer System Modernization.

IAAAP’s recent sewer modernization started several years ago not as a modernization effort but as a repair and replacement effort of broken and failing sewer lines that date back to the 1940s when the plant was built. However, while this project was in execution, a sewer study conducted via video was performed and it became apparent that repair and replacement was not the long-term answer for IAAAP.

“We are focused on efforts related to industrial modernization, seeking to provide the Army and the Department of Defense relevant and capable capacity to produce readiness and deterrence,” said LTC Jason P. Crist, commander of IAAAP. “The forgotten dimension is acknowledging the ‘must do’s’ in propelling that capability, and our staff at Iowa consistently plans and executes without fail, a 360-degree understanding of the entire equation.”

The engineering firm responsible for the sewer study went forward with a sewer system assessment and a modernization plan for IAAAP’s sewer systems. It was revealed that many of the existing sewer lines were oversized and no longer necessary based on the long abandoned and demolished production lines at the plant. The modernization plan revealed where new sewer lines should be installed and where existing lines should be replaced with properly sized sewer lines.

After the Sewer System Modernization plan was agreed upon by IAAAP, the funds remaining on the project were utilized for executing and completing as many tasks as possible. These included replacement of several miles of existing sewer lines, installation of multiple stand-alone sewage treatment systems (eliminating the need for many miles of existing sewer lines), and many high priority sewer system leaks. The project’s funding went only so far toward completion of the many required modernization tasks and therefore a second, and hopefully final phase of Industrial Sewer Modernization is currently in the works for IAAAP.

While sewer systems are not something that grabs modernization headlines, they are critical and necessary for IAAAP to function and move forward into the next generation of meeting the Warfighter’s needs. IAAAP continues with the contract award process of Industrial Sewer Modernization Phase II with the physical dirty work expected to begin in the very near future.

IAAAP is the center of excellence for medium- and large-caliber munitions design and production. IAAAP develops adaptable and scalable facilities and infrastructure within a safe, secure, modern, and process-driven industrial core that utilizes innovative technologies.

Want to know more about IAAAP, visit: The United States Army | Joint Munitions Command

IAAAP is a subordinate installation of the Joint Munitions Command. For more info about JMC check out: https://www.jmc.army.mil/