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SAMD staff takes deeper dive into USASAC workings with familiarization training

By Adriane ElliotMay 16, 2023

During a May 1-4, 2023 visit, 13 Security Assistance Management Directorate employees, conducted familiarization training at the U.S. Army Security Assistance Command’s New Cumberland, Pennsylvania headquarters and paid a visit to the nearby...
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – During a May 1-4, 2023 visit, 13 Security Assistance Management Directorate employees, conducted familiarization training at the U.S. Army Security Assistance Command’s New Cumberland, Pennsylvania headquarters and paid a visit to the nearby Joint Consolidation Point in Mechanicsburg.

During the annual professional development visit, SAMD employees gained a deeper understanding of USASAC’s structure and functions, policies and procedures. It was also an opportunity for USASAC and SAMD leadership to collaborate.

Close coordination between the SAMD and USASAC is critical to successfully accomplishing the Army’s foreign military sales missions in support of U.S. foreign policy.

(Photo Credit: Courtesy photo)
During a May 1-4, 2023 visit, 13 Security Assistance Management Directorate employees, conducted familiarization training at the U.S. Army Security Assistance Command’s New Cumberland, Pennsylvania headquarters and paid a visit to the nearby...
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – During a May 1-4, 2023 visit, 13 Security Assistance Management Directorate employees, conducted familiarization training at the U.S. Army Security Assistance Command’s New Cumberland, Pennsylvania headquarters and paid a visit to the nearby Joint Consolidation Point in Mechanicsburg.

During the annual professional development visit, SAMD employees gained a deeper understanding of USASAC’s structure and functions, policies and procedures. It was also an opportunity for USASAC and SAMD leadership to collaborate.

Close coordination between USASAC and the SAMD is critical to successfully accomplishing the Army’s foreign military sales missions in support of U.S. foreign policy.

(Photo Credit: Courtesy photo)

During a May 1-4, 2023 visit, 13 Security Assistance Management Directorate employees, conducted familiarization training at the U.S. Army Security Assistance Command’s New Cumberland, Pennsylvania headquarters and paid a visit to the nearby Joint Consolidation Point in Mechanicsburg.

During the annual professional development visit, SAMD employees gained a deeper understanding of USASAC’s structure and functions, policies and procedures. It was also an opportunity for USASAC and SAMD leadership to collaborate.

Close coordination between the SAMD and USASAC is critical to successfully accomplishing the Army’s foreign military sales missions in support of U.S. foreign policy.