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Senior mission commander signs Team Huachuca Strategic Plan to focus on modernization

By Amy Stork, USAICoE public affairsMay 1, 2023

Senior mission commander signs Team Huachuca Strategic Plan to focus on modernization
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Left, Maj. Gen. Christopher Eubank, commander of U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command; Sierra Vista Mayor Clea McCaa; and Maj. Gen. Tony Hale, U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence and Fort Huachuca commanding general, sign the Team Huachuca Strategic Plan 2023-2030, May 1 at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. (Photo Credit: Amy Stork) VIEW ORIGINAL
Senior mission commander signs Team Huachuca Strategic Plan to focus on modernization
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Right, Maj. Gen. Tony Hale, U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence and Fort Huachuca commanding general, shakes the hand of Maj. Gen. Christopher Eubank, commander of U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command; after signing the Team Huachuca Strategic Plan 2023-2030 with Sierra Vista Mayor Clea McCaa, May 1 at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. (Photo Credit: Amy Stork) VIEW ORIGINAL

FORT HUACHUCA, Ariz. — Maj. Gen. Tony Hale, U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence and Fort Huachuca commanding general; Maj. Gen. Christopher Eubank, commander of U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command; and Sierra Vista Mayor Clea McCaa signed the Team Huachuca Strategic Plan 2023-2030, May 1.

“To modernize and ensure we can fight and win in large scale combat operations against our peer and near-pear adversaries, the U.S. Army is executing its largest modernization effort in the last 40 years,” said Hale. “We must transform the Army into a multidomain force by 2035, able to conduct multidomain operations across land, sea, air, space and cyberspace domains.”

The Fort Huachuca Strategic Planning phase was a 7-month effort by installation leadership and the community to include Fort Huachuca’s academic and medical partners and the City of Sierra Vista, but the real effort will start with implementation, said Hale.

Senior mission commander signs Team Huachuca Strategic Plan to focus on modernization
Maj. Gen. Tony Hale, U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence and Fort Huachuca commanding general, signs the Team Huachuca Strategic Plan 2023-2030 at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, May 1. (Photo Credit: Amy Stork) VIEW ORIGINAL

The plan supports the Army Vision and Strategy and focuses modernization on four lines of effort: sustainment, growth, and modernization; infrastructure development; quality of life improvement and sustainment; and personnel recruitment and talent management.

“Team Huachuca has always played a vital role in our Army’s readiness,” Hale said. “While continuing to serve as the Army’s Intelligence Center of Excellence and Network Enterprise Technology Command, Fort Huachuca can deliver greater value to the Army as the Army’s premier MDO and [Electronic Warfare] training range.”

The plan achieves an end state in 2030 by coordinating activities, resources, and organizations to connect strategic objectives through teamwork and partnership with the City of Sierra Vista and Cochise County stakeholders.

“Today is a monumental day and we just want to thank [Maj. Gen.] Hale for giving us the opportunity to be a part of this momentous occasion,”said Mayor McCaa. “We are going to build this community to better Fort Huachuca and to better Sierra Vista.”

Senior mission commander signs Team Huachuca Strategic Plan to focus on modernization
Right, Maj. Gen. Tony Hale, U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence and Fort Huachuca commanding general, shakes the hand of Sierra Vista Mayor Clea McCaa, after signing the Team Huachuca Strategic Plan 2023-2030 with Maj. Gen. Christopher Eubank, commander of U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command, May 1 at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. (Photo Credit: Amy Stork) VIEW ORIGINAL

 The first line of effort focuses on continued modernization of Fort Huachuca in areas of realistic testing, persistent experimentation, and relevant training, while shaping and incorporating emerging technologies and innovation initiatives to refine how we fight, what we fight with, and who we are, as defined in the Army Modernization Strategy.

Actions required to advance capabilities development required for Fort Huachuca to serve as the Army’s premier MDO testing and training environment and a power projection platform for the Department of Defense and to provide the Army Unified Network are encompassed within the second line of effort.

While all lines of effort incorporate multiple stakeholders, the third line of effort focuses on strengthening community relationships to foster and sustain support, while leveraging partnerships to develop, grow and improve high-quality healthcare, activities, programs, services, and education to enrich the quality of life for Soldiers, families, civilians, and contractors.

Personnel recruitment and talent management is the focus of the last line of effort, which will focus on attracting and retaining the talent needed for Fort Huachuca organizations to accomplish their missions.

“Fort Huachuca is an assignment of choice,” Hale said. “We are going to collaborate with the city and county to expand our ability to advertise and recruit and we will also work to streamline application and onboarding processes to ensure we can continue to meet and sustain the workforce the installation needs.”