The Army West Point Marathon Team hosted the seventh annual Fallen Comrades Half Marathon March 19 at the U.S. Military Academy. This year, 638 participants braved brisk sub-32-degree weather to partake in a one-mile Kids Fun Run in addition to the 13.1-mile run and ruck march throughout the West Point post starting and finishing at Michie Stadium.
The race is dedicated to those members of the Long Gray Line who served during war and paid the ultimate sacrifice. The team celebrates their memory with a biography of 13 grads, one at each mile marker of the race.
The participants were honored to be joined this year by Bob McCanna, eldest son of Lt. Col. Robert McCanna, USMA Class of 1943, and Peter Finken, USMA Class of 1988, who gave opening remarks about his twin bother, Lt. Col. Paul Finken, USMA Class of 1989, who was killed in Iraq in 2006, and helped honor all the fallen graduates with his speech.
Their memory is reminisced while building camaraderie through the spirited competition. T-shirts were given to each participant as there were top-three winners in nine different categories for participants to earn a pint glass to go with medals given to each runner/ruck marcher for participating.
The top two overall male winners were AWP Marathon Team members, Cadets Michael Clay (1:16:33) and James Hurley (1:20:03). The top female winner was Sarah Dellett (1:32:27) from Syracuse. The top male and female ruck marchers were Cadets Christopher Lancaster (2:02:16) and Clare Gabriele (2:12:51).
Below are the graduates who were honored at each mile marker and then the list of top-three finishers in each category of the event:
Lt. Col. Robert McCanna, USMA Class of 1943;
Col. Lawrence Tatum, Class of 1953;
1st Lt. Donaldson Tillar III, Class of 1988;
Lt. Col. Paul Finken, Class of 1989;
Capt. Eric Paliwoda, Class of 1997;
Capt. Benedict Smith, Class of 1999;
Capt. Andrew Houghton, Class of 2001;
Capt. James Gurbisz, Class of 2002;
1st Lt. Thomas Martin, Class of 2005;
1st Lt. Jacob Fritz, Class of 2005;
1st Lt. Dimitri Del Castillo, Class of 2009;
1st Lt. John Runkle Jr., Class of 2009;
2nd Lt. David Rylander, Class of 2011.
Winners by category
Half Marathon Run
Overall Male Winners
1. Cadet Michael Clay, Army West Point (AWP) Marathon Team -- 1:16:33
2. Cadet James “Drew” Hurley, AWP Marathon Team -- 1:20:03
3. John Pozo, of Cornwall, NY -- 1:20:24
Overall Female Winners
1. Sarah Dellett of Syracuse -- 1:32:47
2. Cadet Marisa Swiatek, AWP Marathon Team -- 1:33:03
3. Cadet Aubrey Boatwright, AWP Marathon Team -- 1:34:31
Cadet Top 3 Male Awards
1. Cadet Matthew Buck, AWP Marathon Team -- 1:22:34
2. Cadet Ian Winch -- 1:24:23
3. Cadet Benjamin Latimer -- 1:24:52
Cadet Top 3 Female Awards
1. Cadet Carly Woelfel -- 1:38:06
2. Cadet Marisa Jacknewitz -- 1:39:03
3. Cadet Natane Randall -- 1:41:40
Half Marathon Ruck March
Overall Male Winners
1. Cadet Christopher Lancaster -- 2:02:16
2. Cadet Allen Liu -- 2:03:59
3. Cadet James Delia -- 2:04:37
Overall Female Winners
1. Cadet Clare Gabriele -- 2:12:51
2. Cadet Mercedes Rothrock -- 2:41:27
3. Cadet Renee Beaubien -- 2:42:54
For complete award links, visit:
Overall Awards -- Result Lists|.Awards - Gender (
Cadet Awards -- Result Lists|Athena/Clydesdale Results (
Age Group Awards -- Result Lists|.Awards - Age Group (
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