New Inspector General team sworn in

By Cpt. Sammie DelaneyMarch 16, 2023

swearing in
19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, commanding general, Brig. Gen. Fredrick L. Crist administers the Inspector General Oath to Maj. Arron M. Edmonds and Cpt. Sammie L. Delaney on Camp Henry, Daegu, Republic of Korea Dec. 7, 2022.
(Photo Credit: Mr. Sang Yun Kim)

Brig. Gen. Frederick Crist, commanding general of 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, swore in Maj. Arron M. Edmonds and Cpt. Sammie L. Delaney, as the newly appointed 19th ESC Inspector General (IG) staff during a ceremony at the 19th ESC Headquarters on Camp Henry Dec. 7, 2022.

The Inspector General is a personal staff officer of the commander, providing the commander with a sounding board for sensitive issues. The IG acts as the eyes, ears, voice, and conscience of the commander. The role of the Inspector General and his or her staff is to determine and report on the economy, efficiency, discipline, morale, esprit de corps, readiness, and resources of the command.

IG’s support the chain of command by increasing visibility of issues so the Commander can take appropriate action. The IG serves as an impartial fact finder and problem solver, an "honest broker”.

IG’s job is to be familiar with issues in the command and advise all Commanders of their existence for quick resolution.

IG’s also educate leaders and Soldiers on published standards and policies, investigate fraud, waste and abuse and provide assistance with matters not resolved through normal command or regulatory channels.

Before administering the oath, Crist spoke about how the IG team allows the command to reinforce a positive command climate through teaching and training, inquiring, inspecting, and assisting leaders throughout the command.

“The real power of an IG is to direct the empowering of leaders at all echelons,” said Crist. “I want leaders who know their Soldiers and civilians well enough to detect problems and help solve them,” he added.

IG teams are known for reinforcing Army policies and regulatory guidance – this factor ensures they remain neutral, fair, and impartial to any challenges presented within formations.

“Our job is to assist commands at all echelons while taking care of our people,” said Maj. Edmonds.

“Our office supports units by empowering, coaching, and directing leaders to help build confidence while providing solutions. We also help leaders understand the use of the commander’s open-door policy,” Edmonds added.

Within 19th ESC, every Soldiers, civilian, and family member counts. The unit is committed to ensuring a positive command climate for all, with the help of the newly appointed IG team.