ASC’s senior leaders meet to discuss current status, look toward the future

By Greg WilsonSeptember 20, 2022

ASC’s senior leaders meet to discuss current status, look toward the future
1 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Col. Crystal M. Hills, commander of the 405th Army Field Support Brigade, participates in circuit physical readiness training during the U.S. Army Sustainment Command Senior Leader Forum Sept. 14 at Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois. (Photo by Maj. Jackeline Velazquez, ASC Public Affairs) (Photo Credit: Maj. Jackeline VelazquezRosario) VIEW ORIGINAL
ASC’s senior leaders meet to discuss current status, look toward the future
2 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Maj. Gen. David Wilson, ASC commanding general, conducts a commander’s exercise during the ASC Senior Leader Forum Sept. 14 at Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois. (Photo by Maj. Jackeline Velazquez, ASC Public Affairs) (Photo Credit: Maj. Jackeline VelazquezRosario) VIEW ORIGINAL
ASC’s senior leaders meet to discuss current status, look toward the future
3 / 3 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Army Field Support Brigade senior leaders gather at Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, Sept. 14 during the Senior Leaders Forum. The SLF was hosted by Maj. Gen. David Wilson, ASC commanding general, front row, fourth from left. (Photo by Jon Connor, ASC Public Affairs) (Photo Credit: Jon Connor) VIEW ORIGINAL

ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL, Ill. -- Top-level leaders from across the U.S. Army Sustainment Command converged here, Sept. 13-14, in person and through virtual meetings, to attend the ASC Senior Leader Forum, participating in classes and team discussions to assist them in carrying out their missions.

Leaders from ASC’s seven Army Field Support Brigades, ASC-Army Reserve Element, 279th Army Field Support Brigade, and LOGCAP Support Brigade, joined in a series of briefings conducted by ASC headquarters personnel and unit leaders.

ASC is the logistics arm of its higher headquarters, the U.S. Army Materiel Command, and provides warfighters with everything they need to do their job. ASC has a worldwide presence in more than 20 countries and 32 states with 40,000-plus personnel under the command structure.

The AFSBs oversee more than 70 logistics readiness centers, or LRCs, offering daily services to Soldiers, including operating dining facilities, issuing uniforms, laundry services, transportation, lodging, and much more.

The purpose of the SLF was to provide a common view of the current operational environment within ASC regarding its mission and key tasks in support of Army readiness.

Part of the forum involved a Commander’s Exercise, where the participants were divided into three groups. Each group discussed the current ASC mission statement, with an effort to rewrite it, to better clarify the command’s mission capabilities and requirements.

When they reconvened, Maj. Gen. David Wilson, ASC commanding general, led a discussion about each of the proposed mission statement changes, with the idea that a mission statement should try to encapsulate in a broad manner all that ASC does in terms of logistical support to both the Army and Joint Forces.

Because it was an exercise, no decisions were made concerning any mission statement changes, but it challenged the participants to look at the big picture of what ASC does. They will table this discussion until a later date.

The forum also included briefings on budgets, and some of the difficulties in budgeting with Congress funding the Army and other forces through continuing resolutions, and not yet agreeing on a total budget for fiscal 2023 and beyond.

They also discussed Army support to NATO in its support for Ukraine and the impact on ASC’s budget for its other operations.

Additional discussions centered on ASC’s support to its LRCs and what kinds of services are offered to installations around the world.

In his closing remarks, Wilson thanked all who participated in the forum. He told the commanders and other leaders that they’re in a tough job, but it’s a job they need to master.

“It’s hard. You get pressure from the senior commander level. You get pressure from the ASC level. You’re getting pressure from the workforce. That’s part of doing business.

“I told you early on in the week there’s no ‘easy’ button on your desk,” Wilson added. “That’s why problems come to you. That’s why they come to me. Our job, though, is to think through the problem. None of us are at a point where we’re beyond learning.”

The Senior Leadership Forum, held yearly, is an opportunity for commanders and other leaders of ASC brigades and its various units to meet and discuss pertinent issues and opportunities.