CSM Copeland assumes the responsibility of IMCOM HQ

By Steve Warns, U.S. Army Installation Management Command Public AffairsAugust 8, 2022

U.S. Army Installation and Management Commanding General Lt. Gen. Omar Jones, center, stands with former IMCOM Command Sergeant Major Joe Ulloth, left, and new Command Sergeant Major Jason Copeland during a Change of Responsibility Ceremony Aug....
1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – U.S. Army Installation and Management Commanding General Lt. Gen. Omar Jones, center, stands with former IMCOM Command Sergeant Major Joe Ulloth, left, and new Command Sergeant Major Jason Copeland during a Change of Responsibility Ceremony Aug. 5, 2022, at the Fort Sam Houston Theater at JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, Texas.

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo by Steve Warns)
U.S. Army Installation and Management Command Sergeant Major Jason Copeland embraces former IMCOM Command Sergeant Major Joe Ulloth as IMCOM Command General Lt. Gen. Omar Jones smiles during a Change of Responsibility Ceremony Aug. 5, 2022, at the...
2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – U.S. Army Installation and Management Command Sergeant Major Jason Copeland embraces former IMCOM Command Sergeant Major Joe Ulloth as IMCOM Command General Lt. Gen. Omar Jones smiles during a Change of Responsibility Ceremony Aug. 5, 2022, at the Fort Sam Houston Theater at JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, Texas. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army photo by Steve Warns) VIEW ORIGINAL

JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas – Command Sergeant Major Jason R. Copeland assumed responsibility for U.S. Army Installation Management Command during a Change of Responsibility Ceremony on Aug. 5, 2022, at the Fort Sam Houston Theater.

Copeland assumed responsibility from CSM Joe Ulloth, who served as IMCOM’s CSM since November 2019.

U.S. Army IMCOM’s Commanding General, Lt. Gen. Omar J. Jones IV, presided over the ceremony. He stressed the importance of the IMCOM Command Sergeant Major because of the critical role in a complex and geographically dispersed command of 53,000 Soldiers and civilian professionals with an $11 billion annual budget.

“Representing every one of those 53,000 IMCOM Soldiers across the globe is our sergeant major,” Jones said.

“With over 75 installations – or communities – around the world, the IMCOM team supports the quality of life for Army Soldiers, Families, civilians, and Soldiers for Life, and the readiness of our Army every single day,” said IMCOM Commanding General Lt. Gen. Omar J. Jones IV.

“To do this, IMCOM depends on connected and caring leaders who provide a healthy work environment, ensure our people are well-informed, treated with dignity and respect, and equipped with opportunities to grow and develop,” Jones added.

Before joining IMCOM HQ, Copeland served IMCOM as a member of several Directorates of Emergency Services, the garrison CSM at Camp Casey, Korea, and the IMCOM-Pacific Command CSM. Copeland expressed his gratitude to Jones, Ulloth and retired IMCOM Commander Lt. Gen. Doug Gabram for a smooth transition and for making his dream of becoming IMCOM CSM come true.

“I’m grateful that I get to continue the work of this great organization across the globe,” Copeland said. “As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child, but it takes a squad to raise a leader, and I’m forever grateful for my squad.”

Jones praised Copeland as a consummate professional, a man of action, and a connected and caring leader.

He shared an example of how Copeland, as the CSM in Hawaii, was part of a connected and engaged team of leaders who dealt with a water contamination issue that affected thousands in family housing. Copeland and other leaders went directly to people to talk with them, hear their concerns, and applied their energy and resources to make a difference.

“I am excited to serve with you and to see the positive impact you are going to have on this great team and our incredible people,” said Command Sergeant Major Jason R. Copeland.

While Jones was welcoming Copeland as IMCOM’s new CSM, he also said goodbye to Ulloth and thanked him for his 31 years of service to the U.S. Army.

Jones praised Ulloth’s selflessness and dedication to the IMCOM mission.

“Anyone who has served with CSM Ulloth knows he epitomizes the professional NCO,” Jones said. “He knows his job; he knows his team, and he knows his mission. Throughout, CSM Ulloth was always there, asking the important question, ‘How does this affect our people?’ He just gets it.”

Ulloth praises IMCOM staff

Ulloth stressed the value every IMCOM employee brings to the mission.

“Everything you do is possible because of the amazing work by the people at Fort Sam Houston, across five directorates and 75 installations positively impacting the quality of life for our Soldiers,” he said. “What you do matters. You bring value with every effort you make, and I’m so proud and honored to have served with you.”