Public Health Command-Pacific welcomed a new Commander and Senior Enlisted Advisor during a combined change of command and change of responsibility ceremony aboard the Battleship Missouri Memorial in Honolulu, Hawaii, July 13, 2022. VIEW ORIGINAL
HONOLULU, Hawaii - Public Health Command-Pacific welcomed a new Commander and Senior Enlisted Advisor during a combined change of command and change of responsibility ceremony aboard the Battleship Missouri Memorial on July 13, 2022.
Col. Elba Villacorta relinquished command to Col. Brad Franklin, and Sgt. Maj. Danny Hailey transferred responsibility to Sgt. Maj. Bradford Webster.
Brig. Gen. Edward H. Bailey, commanding general of Regional Health Command-Pacific, presided over the combined ceremony and had high praises for PHC-P and the outgoing command team’s leadership.
“I have had the privilege to watch Elba lead over the last two years and it has been awe-inspiring,” he told the audience that included all six command teams across PHC-P’s footprint. “Elba was a catalyst for dramatic improvement.”
During her tenure as commander, Villacorta improved morale, productivity, and made it a priority to circulate across the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Area of Responsibility, recognizing outstanding achievements while affixing accountability and responsibility where it was needed.
“Today is a bittersweet day for me and Sgt. Maj. Hailey,” said Villacorta. “No one can deny that taking command comes with challenges, but it can be equally rewarding because of the people you connect with and the positive energy you create.”
All across the brigade, team members were encouraged and empowered by Villacorta and Hailey to innovate programs and processes within a culture of safety and focus on readiness.
Villacorta moves on to her next assignment as the Regional Nurse Executive for RHC-P. Hailey, who has served in the Army for over 27 years, prepares for the next step in his career.
Brig. Gen. Bailey turned his attention towards Franklin, Webster, and their families, saying, “Our military is full of great leaders, and today we’re very fortunate to have one of those leaders as PHC-P’s newest commander.”
Franklin expressed his excitement to serve at PHC-P alongside Webster and a staff that exemplifies, passion, consideration, professionalism, and pride.
Franklin, a board-certified family nurse practitioner, was most recently the Army Nurse Corps personnel proponent officer at the Medical Center of Excellence, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. In that capacity, Franklin provided data-driven products to senior leaders at the MedCoE, enabling strategic decisions.
Webster’s most recent assignment was as the Chief Clinical Non-Commissioned Officer at Tripler Army Medical Center.
Franklin concluded the ceremony with a message to all service members, family members, and distinguished guests in the audience.
“PHC-P, like the rest of Army Medicine, is responding to almost constant change in a dynamic environment,” he said. “I’m very excited to work with our service partners, military, and civilian staff to make PHC-P a better place, while continuing to provide highly competent and professional Army public health support for the entire U.S. Army Pacific Area of Responsibility.”
For those who were unable to attend, the recording of the ceremony is on the PHC-P Facebook page: https://fb.watch/ezU5N73vXJ/
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