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CALL Insider Newsletter 3rd QTR, FY22

By Center for Army Lessons LearnedJuly 11, 2022

(Photo Credit: U.S. Army) VIEW ORIGINAL

As we begin the final quarter of fiscal year 2022, this edition of the newsletter looks back at several examples of the great work being done by our MAFs at the major Army commands and combat training centers (CTCs). Specifically, you will see the close ties being developed with our partners in Mexico and Central America. These exchanges of information and training opportunities truly make us “stronger together.”

Every quarter, our MAFs at the CTCs provide you with useful information on what the observer coach/trainers (OC/Ts) are seeing “on the ground” during multiple rotations. If your unit is preparing for one of these training events, I would encourage you to read not only this quarter’s input, but also check out CALL Insider archive for additional information. Something that brings these two subjects together is our new Partners and Allies Guide to the U.S. Combat Training Centers. We know interoperability is always challenging when working in a multinational environment, but increased repetitions in training and exercises can help reduce that friction. I hope you take the time to learn more about this important subject.

Finally, I recently returned from Europe and I was impressed with the work our collection and analysis team is doing in support of U.S. Army Europe-Africa (USAREUR-AF) and the Army units operating within that area of responsibility.

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